I do hereby authorize XXXX as my lawful attorney to do the following acts, deeds and things solely; to represent me in lawsuits and legal proceedings filed or to be filed by me against third parties or to defend me in lawsuits and legal proceedings filed or to be filed against me by third parties; to represent me at any sections and degrees of courts, assemblies, offices and institutions based in Republic of Turkey with all rights, titles and manners; to carry out any process and transaction required to protect and keep my rights and interests; to sign any petition, draft, minute, notification, statement, protest letter, warning letter, cease and desist letter and all types of documents; to file lawsuits, deliver and receive related documents, withdraw from lawsuits and appeals, to accept any withdrawal from the lawsuit or appeal and any appeals of the opponent; to accept lawsuit filed by opponent; to suggest, accept and refuse oaths; to make and/or apply arbitration, peace/settlement and acquittals; to apply and result alternative dispute resolution methods, to apply Consumer Arbitration Committee, to handle and follow up every transaction which shall be made before the Consumer Arbitration Committee; to apply and result mediation, to attend mediation meetings, to participate and terminate mediation negotiations, to make any transaction regarding mediation procedures, to request to be kept as relieved from trials; to attend trials on behalf of me in my absence; to file and follow up recognition and enforcement lawsuits; to file and follow up full remedy actions; to receive, collect and deposit attorney fees, per attorney-client agreement, not to exceed and demand client monies and settlements be deposited directly to the client personal bank account(s), to declare clients bank account to third parties for payment, to declare clients bank account to third parties for payment within warning letter or mediation minutes or during mediation and settlement meetings, and to pay money; to place and release attachments and sequesters and seizures; to file and follow up enforcement proceedings; to carry out procedures related to enforcement and execution; to make any transaction of release and discharge; to make any transaction related to any lawsuit or enforcement procedure; to attend to bankrupt’s estate, to sign concordatum; to demand concordatum; to raise and file objections against concordatum; to lift and remove concordatum; to approve and sign concordatum; to demand bankruptcy and to reject bankruptcy; to file required actions in order to appointment and/or dismissal of members/officers of administration of bankruptcy; to file required actions in order for appointment of arbitrators; to receive and acknowledge papers and documents; to produce witnesses, experts and surveyors; to attend settlement and similar meetings and negotiations; to make, receive, acknowledge notice through PTT, to accept and/or refuse witnesses, experts and surveyors produced by third parties and opponent; to draft and send protests and written notices, warning letters, cease and desist letters, to draft and send reply petitions to these; to tender, accept or reject an oath; to demand viewing/investigation, to be present during viewing/investigation, to raise objections against viewing/investigation, to demand viewing/investigation once again; to demand corrections of mistake of fact; to demand correction and modification of the decision; to apply and take action for determination of evidences; to demand summoning of evidences; to obtain certificate of inheritance; to demand imprisonment of goods; to take actions regarding seizure and confiscation on goods and removal of these; to make, file, follow-up any required legal transaction, to be made before the enforcement offices, Supreme Courts, Supreme Court of Public Accounts, Council of State, Tax Courts, Courts of Appeal, District Administrative Courts, and all other judicial bodies established or to be established and to attend hearings to be held before these entities, to appeal decisions, to apply to supreme courts against a decision, to apply for rectification, retrial and renewal of judgement; to dishabilitate or make a complaint about judges, experts, panel of experts, witnesses, arbitrators and clerks, to demand the lawsuit dossier to be sent to another court, to attend trials, to file lawsuits regarding correction of civil registers; to file name and surname change lawsuits; to file cancellation of administrative acts and full remedy actions; to file renunciation of inheritance lawsuits; to make transactions before the Civil Registry; to represent me in lawsuits related to Civil Registries and Title Deeds especially correction of registers before these entities; to accept documents and give documents physically; to print and scan documents; to take copies of documents and samples; to review and examine court files and to make investigations; to correct mistakes; to sign minutes and documents; to file objections; objecting, monitoring and finalizing all legal procedures, to demand enforcement of decisions before the relevant entities; to attend judicial sales; to submit a bid; to reduce and increase this bid; to purchase movable and immovable properties; to register purchased movable and immovable properties for and on my behalf and to prepare, draft and sign required documents related to these transactions; to transfer security deposits and guarantee and to draw them back; to demand, invoke and hand over seized properties; to declare property; to represent me wholely before the Consumer Councils, Consumer Arbitration Committees, Financial Offices, Internal Revenue Office, all entities under Social Security, Title Deed, Ministry of Labor and Social Security and it’s regional directorate of labor, Social Security Organization for Artisans and the Self-employed, Trade Registry Office, General Directorate of Criminal Records, Special Administrations and Municipal Corporations, and all governmental entities, to follow up and conclude all of my transactions and to obtain all types of licenses and approvals and documents, to object all types of tax, penalty and interest, to represent me before Supreme Courts and Commissions of Conciliation; to review and inspect on my behalf; to attend creditor’s meeting; to attend compulsory auction sale; to defend me all criminal actions filed against me and criminal actions filed by me; to have the prosecutor dossier sent to Professional Liability Board, to file objection and action against decision of the Professional Liability Board before Court of Appeal in Ankara, to file criminal complaints before the Public Prosecutors Office; to follow up and attend and conclude investigation and prosecution phases; to protect and represent myself and my rights before the prosecutors and criminal courts; to accept entrusting/bidding and to conclude these biddings and to sign documents required in this manner; to accept and take over seized properties; to change collective ownership to joint tenancy; to choose, declare, nominate and appoint ownership or usufruct; to intervene and involve in lawsuits; to intervene in lawsuits disclaimed; to declare property; to sign, revise and terminate lease agreements; to sign, revise and terminate all types of agreements; to accept, receive and collect rental under lease contracts; to file evacuation lawsuits and/or start enforcement proceedings regarding the matter; to take my written consent before taking any critical decision affecting timeframes, outcomes, decisions, payouts or settlements of any case or civil lawsuit to be filed on behalf of the client prior to making such finalization decisions; to send warning letters through notary publics; to represent and protect me and my rights before Turkish Medical Association, Communications Center of Presidency, Ministry of Health Communications Department, Social Security Institution – Health Social Security Center, Istanbul Local Health Authority and file complaints before these entities. And I do hereby authorize indefinitely and solely to appoint and delegate other lawyers and legal intern lawyers other than stated herein if necessary and to discharge other lawyers.

PRINCIPAL:              Tyra Thomas




Consider having the PoA modified to read as follows:

BY THIS LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY given this…………Day of…………………XXX, I [INSERT NAME] of ID/Passport Number [INSERT] and of Address [INSERT] in the State of [INSERT], HEREBY APPOINT [INSERT NAME OF ATTORNEY] of ID Number [INSERT] and of Address [INSERT] in the State of [INSERT] to be my Attorney [Insert description of the specific power, in your case, filing a lawsuit internationally which involves foreign courts, attorney/to represent me in court, etc.] with authority to do all the acts hereunder specified on my behalf in relation to the suit known as [INSERT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE] (hereinafter the “Case”).


The ATTORNEY shall have the full power and authority to undertake and perform only the following acts on my behalf:




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