February 8, 2024


Project Title: Italian American Cuisine Anthology

This Release and License Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into on [Date] between [Your Name] (“Photographer”), residing at [Your Address], and [Restaurant Name], located at [Restaurant Address] (“Restaurant”), collectively referred to as the “Parties.”

  1. Purpose and Use of Photographs:
    • The Restaurant gives Photographer permission to use the photos taken during the session at the Restaurant on [Date].
    • Photographer can use the photos for:
      • Including them in the Italian American Cuisine Anthology book.
      • Promoting and advertising the book.
      • Showing them on Photographer’s official website, social media, and promotional materials for the book.
  1. Rights Granted:
    • The Restaurant allows Photographer to use the photos worldwide, forever, for anything related to the Italian American Cuisine Anthology book, like in print, online, and digital.
    • The Restaurant can repost the images on its official social media and website, but only for non-business use. Photographer must be given credit.
  2. Using Photos for Business:
    • The Restaurant understands Photographer keeps the right to use the photos for business purposes.
    • If the Restaurant wants to use the photos for business, it needs to ask Photographer first.
  3. Giving Credit:
    • The Restaurant agrees to give the right credit when using the photos. Credit should be: “Photo by [Your Name].”
    • This credit must also be given when using the photos on social media, the website, or other promotions.
  4. No Payment:
    • Both of us are working together without getting paid.
    • The Restaurant knows it won’t get money for letting Photographer use the photos.
  5. Helping Each Other:
    • We are teaming up to help each other.
    • This helps make the Italian American Cuisine Anthology book and our businesses look good.
  6. Letting Go of Claims:
    • The Restaurant promises not to ask for money later on.
    • If there are problems about the photos, the Restaurant won’t blame Photographer.
  7. Laws and Where to Solve Problems:
    • This Agreement follows the laws of [State].
    • If there’s a problem, we will solve it in the courts of [City], [State].

By signing below, we both agree to this Agreement.

Authorized Representative (Printed Name): _______________________________

Title: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________

Signature: _______________________________


Photographer (Printed Name): _______________________________

Date: _______________________________

Signature: _______________________________


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