Petition Components

  1. Defense failure to notify and provide proof Moving party of Intent to file Praecipe for Judgement of Non Pros –  Pa. R.C.P. Rule 237.1 requiring notice and Title 42 § 5323  proof is required through signature or equivalent of the Addressee .
    1. Plaintiff showing good faith, utilized proof of signature when mailing to Defense and Prothonotary Title 42 § 5323
    1. Prothonotary Failure to file filings made
    1. Prothonotary Failure to notify moving party of Judgement Non Pros, no proof of their claims of file mail being returned to them. Requested images of return to sender envelopes.
    1. Prothonotary Continued intimidation, harassment, prejudicing the Plaintiff financially by unnecessarily rejecting filings and denial access to the court without due process. Examples at beginning of process with Writ of Summons included below:
      1. Beginning with Writ of Summons filings being rejected 3 times requiring 4 filings at a cost of over $1,200 and knowingly extending filing past a possible statute of limitations date
      1. Prothonotary verbally omitting information regarding Judgement of Non Pros entered
      1. Prothonotary telling Service provider for Plaintiff that he needed an attorney to file any documents at the 4th attempts to file Writ of Summons
      1. Prothonotary telling Service provider for Plaintiff in lobby of Prothonotary that the Plaintiff was trouble and they were not filing his documents.
    1. Continued denial of access to the courts over phone conversations with Deputy Prothonotary Chief
      1. Currently Prothonotary has denied Plaintiff access by email or phone to the Prothonotary.

Petition Components

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