This Payment Plan/invoice is made on ______________ (“Effective Date”) between
_________________ (the “Contractor”) and __________________ (the “Client”).
Together the “parties”.
The parties agree to the following payment plan/invoice; –
1. Total Cost.
The agreed total cost for the services to be rendered by the contractor is
2. Deposit.
Parties agree that on signing this agreement, 50% of the above-mentioned total cost
of $______ shall be due and payable to the Contractor.
3. Balance.
The 50% balance of the purchase price $ shall be payable within one week before
the scheduled display/show.
4. Account.
The above-mentioned payments shall be made to the Contractor’s by either cash or
Cheque whose Bank Account is as follows detail; –
Bank Name: __________________________
Bank Branch: _________________________
Account Name: _______________________
Account Number: _____________________

Email Address:

By the CLIENT; –
Email Address:

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