This Partnership Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made on
this ____ day of ______ 2022 between HICHAM EL ANMARI and KRIZIA E.
PROSDOCIMI. Together referred to as "parties."
WHEREAS on ____________ parties herein entered into a partnership Agreement
(hereinafter referred to as the “Partnership Agreement”)
WHEREAS the Partners desire to terminate and dissolve the Partnership and the
related agreements between them;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and agreements contained
herein, the parties agree as follows; –
1. Effective Date.
Parties herein agree that the terms and obligations herein shall be effective from
May 8, 2022.
2. Payment.
Parties herein agree that HICHAM EL ANMARI will pay KRIZIA E. PROSDOCIMI
$15,000 in consideration of KRIZIA E. PROSDOCIMI exiting the Partnership and the
business MY HABIBI SMOKE SHOP LLC being solely owned by HICHAM EL
3. Period.
The agreed $15,000 shall be paid in five months with a weekly payment of $500 until
wholly paid.
4. Termination of all rights and obligations.
It is the intention of the parties herein to terminate all the rights and obligations
between them contained in the partnership agreement dated _________ other than
the rights and obligations whose continuation is expressly provided for in this
5. Confidentiality.
The parties herein agree to keep confidential the terms and conditions of this
Agreement, together with any specifics, without the written consent of the other party
in this Agreement.
6. Governing law.

This Agreement shall be construed, governed, interpreted, and applied according to
the Laws of the State of Florida.
7. Expenses.
Each party shall meet their costs or expenses incurred in achieving the obligations
and duties enumerated herein.
8. Amendments.
This Agreement cannot be amended without the written consent of all partners.
9. Entire Agreement.
The terms and conditions herein contain the entire Agreement between the parties
herein and supersede any prior written or oral agreements.
10. Severability.
Suppose any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable. The
same shall be severed from this Agreement, and the remaining provision shall
continue to be in full force and effect.
WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement on the date above mentioned.
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