1. _____________________ _ CRUIT LIMITED _____________________________


  • ___________________________________________________________________________

THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT is made on the ………… of……….20……., entered into by the Partners (collectively referred to as the “Parties” or individually as the “Party”) and includes that Party’s successors and assigns.

Parties agree to the following terms and conditions and to be bound thereby:

  2. Save as may otherwise be provided in this Agreement, Partners are only prepared to deal with each other per the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.
  3. If any ambiguity is found in the Agreement or various documents forming this Agreement, the Partners shall issue any necessary clarification or instruction.
  4. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and all counterparts executed shall constitute one Agreement that shall bind all parties hereto.
  5. All documents annexed to this Agreement shall be subject to the terms under this Agreement, provided that the Parties append their signatures on the documents.
  6. Parties shall exercise utmost good faith under this Agreement.

This Agreement shall be valid from the date of execution and shall remain in force for five (5) years


Partners shall carry on the partnership business under the name ______________________.


The primary purpose of this Partnership Agreement is to create a legally binding framework for the Parties to confer certain benefits upon each other. Among these benefits include things like giving Cruit Limited rights to advertise the other Party as a partner, among other advantages to accrue to both Parties as outlined in Section 9 of this Contract


The principal business of the Partnership shall be the following address or such other place as is determined by the Partners;





  • Any Intellectual Property created or discovered by a party while a Partner relating to the activities of the business of the Partnership (“Partnership IP”) shall be disclosed to the Partners immediately and shall belong to and be the absolute property of the Partners to be used solely for purposes of the Partnership.
  • For purposes of this clause, “Intellectual Property” shall mean all copyrights, trademarks, trade names, domain names, rights in logos and get-up, inventions (including without limitation any improvement or addition to any invention), trade secrets, know-how, and confidential information, design rights, patents, utility models, all rights of whatsoever nature in computer software and data and rights in databases, whether registered or not and all applications for registration, renewals or extensions concerning any of the above and all intangible rights and privileges of a nature similar, analogous or allied to any of the above in any part of the world;
  • To the extent that the legal title in any Partnership, IP is not for any reason vested in the Partnership or the Partners (or some of them on trust for the Partnership), the Partner who created or discovered such Partnership IP shall hold such rights on trust for the other Partners and the Partnership and such creating or discovering Partner shall, at the cost of the Partnership, do all such acts and execute all such documents as may be reasonably required by the Partnership to vest the legal title in the Partnership or the Partners (or one of them on trust for the Partnership).
  • There shall be no monetary consideration for forming the Partnership.
  • Each Party shall be responsible for their own profits and losses, and at no time will a party be expected to contribute to losses or share profits with the other Party.
  • This Partnership Agreement DOES NOT entitle either Party to any management rights in the other Party’s business.
  • Each Partner shall have their businesses continue operating individually and as separate entities save for the purpose of giving effect to the rights stated in Section 9 of this Agreement.
  • Cruit Limited will acquire the rights to advertise Partner 2 (_________________) as a partner in any promotions and other events they may have.
  • Right to at least one collaboration event a year between Cruit Limited and the Partner company.
  • Right to charge a reasonable fee for requested customized promotion packages.
  • __________________________(PARTNER 2)
  • They shall be under no spending obligations to Cruit Limited or Cruit Limited’s platform.
  • Early adoption rates (they will get 5-30% off all influencers they may want to book through Cruit Limited’s platform.)
  • Access to customized promotion packages created by Cruit Limited.
  • Access to Cruit Limited’s ‘influencer privileges’ package. This package will allow the Partners to post customized coupons on Cruit Limited’s platform regulating their relationship with the influencers.
  • Access to free analytics on all of the influencers on Cruit Limited’s platform.

TAKE NOTE: Partner 1’s right will be construed as Partner 2’s obligations and vice versa.


A Partner shall not, and shall have no right, to sell, assign, pledge or mortgage his interest in the Partnership, or the Partnership property or assets, except with the written consent of all the Partners, and any such prohibition transfer, if attempted, shall be void and without force or effect.


Any dispute under this Agreement shall be resolved by Negotiation. Parties shall act in good faith to resolve the dispute.  Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the court’s jurisdiction.

  2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon giving the other Party no less than 30 days’ notice in writing.
  3. Termination may be caused by breach including but not limited to: scandals, engagement in illegal business, or violation of our site community/user guidelines.
  4. Partners may also terminate this Agreement voluntarily at any time.
  5. Upon termination of the Partnership, neither Partner shall be allowed to carry out the exact nature of business as the Partnership or with the Partnership name without the express consent and approval of the former Partner.
  6. The termination of this Agreement shall not discharge the liabilities accumulated by either Party.
  7. Any Clauses intended by the Parties or this Agreement to survive the termination of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement by whatever cause.
  1. changes to the agreement

Either Party may request changes to the Agreement, but they will only be effective if agreed in writing, signed by all parties, and recorded.

  1. Force Majeure
  2. For this Agreement, “Force Majeure” means an event which a diligent party could not have reasonably avoided in the circumstances, which is beyond the control of a party and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, storm, flood or adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action, terrorist acts, confiscation or any other action by government agencies.
  3. A Party’s failure to fulfill its obligations due to Force Majeure or accidents, to shall not be considered as breach of this Agreement, provided that the affected Party has taken all reasonable precautions, due care, reasonable alternative measures, and minimal delay all to carry out the terms of this Agreement.
  1. confidentiality

The Partners shall not at any time disclose, directly or indirectly to any other person whatsoever (including to the public or any section of the public) any information concerning this Agreement or any additional information of any nature whatsoever concerning the Partnership, whether such information or matter is stated to be confidential or not, without the express written permission of all the Partners.


Except where this Agreement provides otherwise, the rights and remedies contained in it are not exclusive to rights or remedies provided by law.  Failure by either Party to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall not be a waiver of their right to enforce the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


Suppose any provision of this Agreement is declared by any judicial or other competent body to be void, voidable, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable; parties may amend that provision or remove it from this Agreement. The remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.


The Parties shall be served through the following addresses (including email).







PARTNER 2: ___________________________________________







Either Party may change the above addressees by reasonable notice in writing given to the other Party.


Each Party shall bear its costs incurred in the negotiation, preparation, and execution of this Agreement.


This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the Laws of Hong Kong.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has executed this Agreement, as of the day and year set forth below.

Signed by PARTNER 1 Signature:  Name:  Designation:  Date:……………………………………… Signed by PARTNER 2 Signature:  Name:  Designation:  Date:…………………………………………….……………

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