Office of the New Mexico Secretary of State
Filing Number: __________
Filed On: 8/16/2021
Total Number of Pages: 1 of 3
The undersigned, acting as organizer(s) of a Limited Liability Company pursuant to the New Mexico Limited Liability Company Act, adopt the following Articles of Organization:
ARTICLE ONE: The name of the Limited Liability Company is:
Jesse Tree LLC
ARTICLE TWO: The period of duration is: Perpetual
(1) The name of the initial registered agent at the address is:
Name of Entity Appointed Registered Agent
Cindy’s New Mexico LLC
(2) The New Mexico street address of the company’s initial registered agent is:
Type | Address | City | State | Zip | Country | |
Physical | ADDRESS | |||||
Address | ||||||
(Post Office Box is not acceptable. Provide a description of the geographical location if a street address does not exist.)
- The street address of the company’s principal place of business, if different from its registered agent’s address is:
Address City State Zip Country
(4) The mailing address of the Limited Liability Company is:
Address | City | State | Zip | Country |
Email Address: NONE | ||||
Phone: NONE | ||||
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Office of the New Mexico Secretary of State
Filing Number: __________________
Filed On: 8/16/2021
Total Number of Pages: 2 of 3
ARTICLE FOUR: (Check only if applicable):
YES Management of the business and affairs of the company is vested in a manager(s).
Manager Name and address:
Name Physical Address Mailing Address
[insert name] [insert address] [insert mailing address]
ARTICLE FIVE: (Check only if applicable):
YES The Limited Liability Company is a single member Limited Liability Company.
Member Name and
Name Physical Address Mailing Address
ARTICLE SIX: If these Articles of Organization are not to be effective upon filing with the Secretary of State’s Office, the effective date is (if an effective date is specified here, it cannot be a date prior to the date the articles are received by the Secretary of State’s Office.)
Effective Date
NAICS Sub Code:
Organizer(s) Printed Name(s):
(Typing the First and Last Name of the Organizer(s), is the equivalent of an electronic signature.)
Organizer Name
Cindy’s New Mexico LLC
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