This is an offer for the purchase of the below-mentioned property and the terms and
conditions laid out herein between Properties Legacyinvest3 LLC and/or the
assignees (hereinafter referred to as the “buyer”) and ___________________
(hereinafter referred to as the “seller”). Together referred to as “parties”.
IN CONSIDERATION OF and as a condition of the seller selling the property and the
buyer purchasing the property and other valuable considerations, the parties agree
as follows; –
1. Property.
The description of the subject property is _________________________.
2. Purchase Price.
The buyer shall purchase the said property at a total cost of $825,000 all cash or as
the buyer might decide.
3. Deposit.
There shall be an initial deposit of $1,000 that will be held in escrow until the sale is
closed. The balance of the purchase price will be paid at closing or as otherwise
provided in this offer.
4. Title and Escrow.
The title and Escrow company shall be chosen by the buyer.
5. Inspection.
There shall be 10-14 days for inspection of the property as a contingency.
6. Closing costs.
Both the buyer and the seller shall be responsible for settling the closing costs as is
7. Time of Essence.
Time is of the essence in this offer.
Buyer’s Offer; –
The above-mentioned terms are the buyer’s offer, if the seller does not accept the
offer from the seller, this offer will lapse and become of no force or effect.
Signature: ___________________
Name: Carlos Cruz Maneger
Date: _______________________
Tel: ________________________
Email: ______________________
Address: ____________________
Seller’s Acceptance/Counteroffer/Rejection; –
The Seller accepts the abovementioned offer on the stated terms and agrees to
convey the title to the buyer.
The seller is willing to sell the property to the buyer subject to the specified
modifications in the attached addendum herein.
The seller rejects the abovementioned offer.
Signature: _______________________
Name: ___________________________
Date: ____________________________
Tel: ______________________________
Email: ___________________________
Address: _________________________
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