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Irvine Police Department
1 Civic Center Plaza
Irvine, CA 92606-5207
Phone: 949-724-7000



I write this Claim notice pursuant to Government Code §§ 810-996.6 to notify you of the
allegations herein, and that I intend to pursue legal action in the event the claims herein are not

Factual Background

My mother had been admitted at the Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian. The incidence that
gave rise to this action took place on January 25, 2020, when I went to visit the mother at the ER.
As I was checking in at the ER, a security guard at the Hospital stole my phone from the ER
lobby and pushed me until I fell. Thereafter, police officers from your department arrived and
took a police report of the incidence. Interestingly, the security guard gave false information that
I was the one who punched his face. Your officers failed to conduct proper investigations to
ascertain the veracity of the security guard’s claims. They adopted the lies from the security
guard into their Police Report. Further, a detective from your office viewed the video footage
from the Hospital, which recorded the January 25, 2020 incident. That notwithstanding, the
detective failed to acknowledge that the security officer’s allegations were false. The officers
from your department failed to give me the Police Report during the pendency of the case filed
against me. I only got a copy of the Police Report after the case was dismissed. I suffered a lot

In light of the foregoing, I have a claim against the officers and detective who handled my case.
These are:


I therefore request for compensation to the amount of [ENTER AMOUNT].

I acknowledge that this claim is brought beyond the 6 month limit under Government Code §§
810-996.6. However, a claimant may file a late claim due to mistake and inadvertence.

In the event you fail to grant my demand herein, I will file a lawsuit against you for Malicious
Prosecution and violation of my rights under 42 USC § 1983.


[Enter Name]

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