
This is to bring to your attention that Mr. _______________is currently engaged in lobbying, enquiring and covertly acquiring information from Mr. ______________________, the managing partner over the insolvency section of the accountancy firm. Mr. X’s actions are motivated by selfish interests to benefit himself and his associates. He is using his influence to set up legal structures to assist his interests which are held by third parties. They would like to acquire property for personal gain at a significant discount due to his accountancy firm position. Mr. X’s actions violate the code of ethics and the public interest of members of the accountancy firm. Despite the accountancy firm having a responsibility to regulate practice, they have failed in curtailing Mr. X’s conduct and that of his associates. Therefore, the accountancy firm should also be held liable for inaction.

You should desist from enabling Mr. X’s actions by providing him with any information detrimental to you and the firm. Any information provided or any conduct that will enable his activities will be defiant and uncompliant to the code ethics section of the Central Bank of Ireland, the Chartered Accountants of Ireland, and An Garda. Any such actions will warrant sending correspondence to the Central Bank.

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