This Non-Compete Agreement is entered into between PERSONA, LLC of address [ADDRESS] (hereinafter, the “Company”) and PERSONA Co Ltd of address [ADDRESS] (hereinafter ‘the Manufacturer”) on [DATE] (effective date). The Company and the Manufacturer shall be referred to as “parties” hereafter.
Whereas, the Manufacturer deals in the business of manufacturing sporting equipment and apparel;
Whereas, the Company has hired the Manufacturer to manufacture branded sporting equipment and apparel for the Company and;
Whereas, the Manufacturer agrees to the restrictions described herein as binding.
Therefore, the Company and the Manufacturer intending to be legally bound by these terms agree to the following :
For the entire duration of this agreement and for the time the Manufactures Agreement with the Company has been terminated for any reason, the manufacturer will not engage in any activity that poses unwarranted competition with the Company.
The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Company will hold all intellectual property rights in any work product resulting from the service agreement of the parties which include but not limited to, copyright, trademark rights, designs, brand, logos, texts and slogans. The Manufacturer agrees not to claim any such ownership in such work product’s intellectual property at any time prior to or after the completion and delivery of such work product to the Company.
The manufacturer agrees not to make any counterfeit items to disguise the original products of the Company.
The Party acknowledges that they have been provided with the opportunity to negotiate this agreement, have had the opportunity to seek legal counsel before signing this agreement, and that the restrictions imposed are fair and necessary for the Company’s business interests. Finally, the Party agrees that these restrictions are reasonable and do not constitute a threat to their livelihood.
This Agreement and its interpretation shall be governed by the laws of [STATE, PROVINCE OR TERRITORY]. Any dispute that may arise from this agreement shall be adjudicated in a court of competent jurisdiction in the state mentioned herein.
This agreement shall apply in both local and international markets and all applicable laws that govern trade internationally shall apply.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties agree to these terms and give their consent and authority to this agreement below.
___________________________________ ___________________________
Party’s Signature Date
___________________________________ ___________________________
Company Official Signature Date
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