This Agreement is made on __________ 20__ between MAXIMILLION
ALEXANDER STANKOVICH (hereinafter referred to as the “Mover”) and VINCENT
WAYNE LANDAU (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”). Together referred to as
the “parties.”
WHEREAS the parties herein have agreed to be bound by the following terms; –
1. Services.
The parties agree that the Mover shall provide the services of moving the Client’s
household belongings from Prescott valley Arizona to Colorado Springs during the
month of October.
The Mover shall pick the Client’s household furniture and boxes on ____________
and will drive to Colorado Springs where he will unload everything in the Client’s
storage units.
2. Term.
The parties agree that this agreement shall remain in effect from the Effective date
(_______________) until the successful complete relocation of all the household
furniture and boxes and payment in full to the Mover.
3. Payments.
The parties herein agree that the total amount to be paid to the Mover for the
provision of the services herein is $6,450 which will be paid in two installments.
i. First installment of $3,225 will be paid upon signing of this agreement.
ii. Second installment of $3,225 will be paid when the mover finishes unloading
the moving truck.
4. Indemnity.
The Client agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Mover from any claim, losses,
liabilities or damages arising from this Agreement’s performance.
5. Warranty.
The Mover shall provide its services and meet its obligations under this agreement in
a timely and workmanlike manner, using knowledge and recommendations for
performing the services which meet generally acceptable standards in Mover’s
community and region, and will provide a standard of care equal to, or superior to,
care used by Movers similar to Mover on similar projects.

6. Insurance.
The Client agrees to procure and maintain a moving insurance policy for its
belongings during the performance of the services herein. The Mover shall not be
responsible for acquiring any insurance.
7. Location.
The provided precise location by the Client for the provision of the services is from
______________________ to ____________________.
8. Dispute/Conflict Resolution.
If there arises any conflict or dispute during the performance of this Agreement, the
same shall be negotiated between the parties amicable. If the same fails, the
disagreement or dispute shall be referred to a neutral arbitrator whose final decision
will be binding upon the parties.
9. Governing Law.
The provisions and performance of this Agreement shall be construed and
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Arizona.
10. Modification.
Either party to this Agreement may modify the provisions herein by the same
modification being written and signed by both parties.
11. Severability.
Suppose any provision in this Agreement is deemed by a Court of law to be invalid
or unenforceable. The same shall be severed from the Agreement, and the
remaining provisions shall continue to operate in full force and effect.
12. Assignment.
Neither party to this Agreement may assign or transfer its rights and obligations
without the prior written consent of the other party.
13. Entire Agreement.
This is the entire Agreement between the parties, supersedes any prior negotiations,
promises, or contracts, either written or oral.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
hereinbelow; –
By the Mover; – By the Client; –



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