Motions to dismiss law suits




STATE OF NORTH XXXX       IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ______________                                            


                                                                                                Case No. _____________________


 (Plaintiff) Vs                                                                           Motion ______________________ 





COMES NOW the Defendant, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby moves this Court for an order dismissing this case for lack of evidence. The Defendant sold a real estate to the Plaintiff. However, at the time the Defendant sold the property, there was a note held in the name of his LLC. When he sold the note, the title company missed a lien. For several years, the company did not raise any issue with the Defendant. Indeed, the company closed the file in the name of the Defendant’s trust but paid him personally. The title continued to do business with the defendant for years then one day decided to hit him with a lawsuit when the Las Vegas Real Estate market ignited in 2018.


The Defendant makes this motion to the Court for an order of the Court under North Dakota laws and/or rules. Defendant respectfully moves the Court to now to seek the dismissal of a ruling that has seen his home of 22 years and everything he owns locked up. The Defendant, therefore, moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed on the grounds that the plaintiff was aware of the arrangement right from the start but did not raise any complaint. The complaint only came up when the real estate market in Las Vegas took a beating. 



This motion is based on the affidavit and brief in support of this motion, which are served and filed with the motion. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________________ Signature of Moving Party ___________________________________ Printed Name ___________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ___________________________________ Phone Number









STATE OF ARIZONA                          IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ______________                                            


                                                                                             Case No._____________________


 (Plaintiff) Vs                                                                         Motion ______________________ 






COMES NOW the Defendant, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby moves this Court for an order dismissing this case for lack of evidence. The Defendant sold a real estate to the Plaintiff. However, at the time the Defendant sold the property, there was a note held in the name of his LLC. When he sold the note, the title company missed a lien. For several years, the company did not raise any issue with the Defendant. Indeed, the company closed the file in the name of the Defendant’s trust but paid him personally. The title continued to do business with the defendant for years then one day decided to hit him with a lawsuit when the Las Vegas Real Estate market ignited in 2018.


Law and argument

The Defendant makes this motion to the Court for an order of the Court under Arizona   laws and/or rules. Defendant respectfully moves the Court to now to seek the dismissal of a ruling that has seen his home of 22 years and everything he owns locked up. The Defendant, therefore, moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed on the grounds that the plaintiff was aware of the arrangement right from the start but did not raise any complaint. The complaint only came up when the real estate market in Las Vegas took a beating. 



This motion is based on the brief and affidavit in support of this motion, which are served and filed with the motion. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________________ Signature of Moving Party ___________________________________ Printed Name ___________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ___________________________________ Phone Number






STATE OF XXX                        IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF ______________                                            


                                                                                               Case No. _____________________


 (Plaintiff) Vs                                                                          Motion ______________________ 





COMES NOW the Defendant, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby moves this Court for an order dismissing this case for lack of evidence. The Defendant sold a real estate to the Plaintiff. However, at the time the Defendant sold the property, there was a note held in the name of his LLC. When he sold the note, the title company missed a lien. For several years, the company did not raise any issue with the Defendant. Indeed, the company closed the file in the name of the Defendant’s trust but paid him personally. The title continued to do business with the defendant for years then one day decided to hit him with a lawsuit when the Las Vegas Real Estate market ignited in 2018.


The Defendant makes this motion to the Court for an order of the Court under Nevada laws and/or rules. Defendant respectfully moves the Court to now to seek the dismissal of a ruling that has seen his home of 22 years and everything he owns locked up. The Defendant, therefore, moves that the complaint in this case be dismissed on the grounds that the plaintiff was aware of the arrangement right from the start but did not raise any complaint. The complaint only came up when the real estate market in Las Vegas took a beating. 



This motion is based on the brief and affidavit in support of this motion, which are served and filed with the motion. Respectfully submitted, ___________________________________ Signature of Moving Party ___________________________________ Printed Name ___________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City, State, Zip Code ___________________________________ Phone Number




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