This Modeling Agreement is made effective as of _______________________________ (enter date), by and between Creative Christ LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) and _________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Model”).
- PURPOSE OF CONTRACT. This Contract is for the engagement of ______________________________ as a photographic model. Creative Christ LLC will engage ____________________________ as a photographic model for promotion, advertisement, gallery submission etc.
- DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. The model will provide modeling services for the Company.
- PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. As good and valuable consideration, the models will be paid ________________ per shoot. The compensation includes on-set hair, makeup, and snacks/lunch.
- TERM/TERMINATION. Model will commence work under this Contract on ________________________, and will continue for _____________ (enter the number of months/years), unless the Company makes a good-faith determination, prior to the expiration of contract, that the Model’s services are no longer needed. Also, the Company may terminate this contract if it is dissatisfied with the Model’s performance for other good cause.
- WORKING HOURS. The company will require the Model to work no more than _______a day. If the Model is required to work for more time, he/she will be paid ________ per extra hour worked.
- WARDROBE. The company will furnish all Model’s will furnish Model’s wearing apparel in connection with the assignment. All items furnished by Company will remain property of Company.
- TRANSPORTATION AND ACCOMMODATION. Creative Christ, LLC will arrange and pay for Model’s flight, car service, and hotel stay for the days scheduled.
- RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. The parties understand that the Model is an independent contractor concerning this Agreement and not an employee of the Company; Company will not provide employment contracts, including health benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefit.
- WORK PRODUCT OWNERSHIP. All copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, inventions, patents, products, or other information (collectively, the “Work Product”) developed in whole or in part by Company in connection with the Services shall be the exclusive property of Company. Works of art may not be duplicated or used for personal/commercial advertisement by the model without prior permission from the Company. However, the Model may use the work to create his/her portfolio.
- CONFIDENTIALITY. The model will not, at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use for the personal benefit of Model or divulge, disclose or communicate any information that is proprietary to the Company. The model will protect such information and treat it as strictly confidential. This provision shall continue to be effective after the termination of this Contract. Upon termination of this Contract, Model will return to Company all records, notes, documentation, and other items that were used, created, or controlled by Model during the term of this Contract.
- INDEMNIFICATION. Model agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company from all claims, losses, expenses, fees, including attorney fees, costs, and judgments that may be asserted against Company that result from the acts or omissions of the Company.
- DISPUTES. Any disputes arising from the terms and conditions shall be solved in good faith through negotiation between the Parties.
- ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Contract contains the parties’ entire agreement, and there are no promises or conditions in any other contract, whether oral or written.
- SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Contract shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any provision of this Contract is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision, it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.
- APPLICABLE LAW. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of ___________________
SIGNATORIES. This Agreement shall be executed by the parties as follows:
Model signature: _____________________________
Date: _______________________
Company Rep Sign. : ______________________
Date: ___________________________
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