This Mentoring Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into between XXX (referred to as the “Mentor”) and [Client’s Name] (referred to as the “Client”) as of the date of signing below.


WHEREAS, the Client desires to engage the services of the Mentor to receive guidance, support, and expertise in their personal development journey; and

WHEREAS, the Mentor possesses the necessary qualifications, experience, and skills to provide mentoring services to the Client; and

WHEREAS, both parties wish to enter into this Agreement to establish the terms and conditions of their mentoring relationship;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein, the Mentor and the Client (collectively referred to as the “Parties”) agree as follows:



  1. Introduction and Background
    • The Mentor is a professional mentor with expertise in personal development and goal achievement.
    • The Client desires to engage the Mentor’s services to receive guidance, support, and expertise in their personal development journey.
    • Both parties agree to enter into this Agreement to establish the terms and conditions of their mentoring relationship.
  2. Program Details
    • Duration: The mentoring program will span a period of 90 days, consisting of 12 sessions, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by both Parties.
    • Sessions: The mentoring program will be structured as follows:
      • Month 1: Establishing Clarity and Vision
        • Session 1: Initial Consultation and Goal Setting
        • Sessions 2-4: Complete Companion Journal, quiz, and Clarity and Visioning Exercises
        • Session 5: Identifying Values and Purpose
      • Month 2: Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs
        • Sessions 6-8: Uncovering and Addressing Limiting Beliefs
        • Session 9: Cultivating a Positive Mindset
      • Month 3: Action Planning and Accountability
        • Sessions 10-11: Creating a Personalized Action Plan
        • Session 12: Accountability and Progress Tracking
      • Delivery: Sessions will be conducted [in-person/online/phone] as mutually agreed upon by both Parties.
      • Frequency: Sessions will take place [weekly/bi-weekly/monthly] as determined by the agreed schedule, unless otherwise modified by both Parties.
  1. Scope of Services
    • The Mentor will provide guidance, support, and expertise in assisting the Client in their personal development journey.
    • The Mentor will help the Client gain clarity on their goals, values, and desires and develop an actionable plan to achieve them.
    • The Mentor will offer strategies, tools, and resources to support the Client’s growth and progress.
    • The Mentor will not provide therapy, counseling, legal, or financial advice. The services provided are focused on personal development and mentorship.
  2. Client Responsibilities
    • The Client will attend scheduled sessions promptly and be prepared for each session.
    • The Client will actively participate in the mentoring process, complete assigned tasks, and provide honest feedback.
    • The Client will maintain confidentiality regarding any information shared during the sessions and will not disclose any sensitive or personal information of the Mentor or other clients.
  3. Fees and Payment Terms
    • The total program fee is $2499, payable as follows: [Specify payment schedule or terms]. The Mentor will provide an invoice outlining the payment details.
    • Payment is due [prior to the first session/according to the agreed schedule].
    • Any additional charges, such as missed session fees or late payment fees, will be outlined in a separate agreement.
  4. Confidentiality
    • Both the Mentor and the Client agree to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information shared during the mentoring program, except in cases where disclosure is required by law.
    • The Mentor will not disclose any confidential information shared by the Client without obtaining prior written consent.
  5. Cancellation and Refunds
    • The Client may reschedule or cancel a session by providing at least [X] days’ notice.
    • Refunds, if applicable, will be handled according to the refund policy outlined in a separate agreement.
  6. Termination
    • Either party may terminate this mentoring relationship by providing written notice.
    • In the event of termination, any outstanding payment obligations will still apply.
  7. Intellectual Property
    • Any materials, resources, or tools provided by the Mentor during the program are for the Client’s personal use only and may not be reproduced or shared without prior written permission from the Mentor.
    • The Client agrees not to use any of the Mentor’s intellectual property for commercial purposes without obtaining a separate licensing agreement.
  8. Limitation of Liability
    • The Mentor’s liability is limited to the extent permitted by law, and they shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or injury arising from the mentoring relationship or the Client’s actions.
    • The Mentor makes no guarantees or warranties regarding specific outcomes or results as a result of the mentoring program.
  9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    • This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Maryland. Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved within the jurisdiction of Maryland.

By signing below, both the Client acknowledge that he/she has read and understood the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement and agree to abide by them.

Mentor: XXX




Client: [Client’s Name]




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