Policy brief & purpose
Our company maternity leave policy outlines the company’s provisions for women employees who are
expecting a child and/or require time to care and bond with their newborn.
The company endorses the right of its employees to become parents. We are also aware that pregnancy or
caring for an infant may cause difficulties for them in relation with their job duties. We are, therefore,
prepared to support pregnant employees and allow new mothers enough time to recover from childbirth
and care for their child.
The company will offer at least the minimum benefits mandated by the applicable law in the State of
Delaware and this policy is merely complementary to the existing legal guidelines.
This policy applies to all eligible female employees of the company.
Policy elements
Maternity Leave is a temporary absence from an employee’s position and applies to expectant or new
mothers who require time off for pregnancy, childbirth and child care.
All female employees are entitled to maternity leave after a certain time of service specified by the law.
In general, eligibility of an employee will be assessed according to legislative guidelines.
How much time do employees get for maternity leave?
Our company gives a maternity leave of six (6) weeks for natural birth and eight (8) weeks for C-
Is maternity leave paid or unpaid?
Maternity leave is unpaid leave.
The following statements shall apply to the maternity leave:
● The employee must strictly comply so the company will not be exposed to legal repercussions
● If the employee has not used their vacation days, they may use the remaining days during their
maternity leave

● All new mothers can petition for an extension of maternity leave on grounds of medical or other
reasons that are subject to company’s judgment (e.g. complications during pregnancy or
childbirth may be cause for extension).
● The Company will keep the positions of employees for sixty (60) days after the eight (8) week
mark if the employee is not ready to come back. The company is allowed during that time to fill
the position with a temporary replacement. Beyond the said sixty days, the employee shall not be
entitled to her position.
● An employee that has not requested extension or given other notice must return to their positions
after the end of their leave. Not doing so is considered a voluntary resignation
● Individual circumstances will be considered
We will also take measures to help mothers who return to work after the end of their maternity leave (e.g.
by establishing flexible hours).
The expectant mother must adhere to the following procedure:
1. She must give formal written notice to her immediate supervisor and the human resources
department about her pregnancy, at least a specified number of weeks prior the date of expected
2. She must complete forms or submit a document stating the date of the expected childbirth,
whether she intends to give birth naturally or through C-Section, and the desired beginning date
of maternity leave (it must not be earlier than a specified number of weeks before childbirth)
3. She must provide a certificate of pregnancy signed by a physician, registered midwife or other
appropriate source for any physical activity on site.
4. She must arrange a meeting with her supervisor to agree on ways of keeping in touch (any
arrangement should exclude any compulsory maternity leave)
The employee will be officially notified of the approval of her request, after her eligibility under the law
has been evaluated. The document she will receive will clearly state the length of the maternity leave
with the beginning and end dates. Additional benefits such as pay will also be explicitly explained.
If labor occurs earlier than estimated, the beginning and ending dates of maternity leave can be modified
accordingly, through an official document.
Employees can contact the Human Resources Department for information concerning the procedures or

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