(XXX Address)                                                                                                                                 Date


(Judge’s/ Court’s Address)                                                                                                                          Date


Dear Sir,

I pray this finds you well. My name is XXX, XXX wife.

My husband and I have known one another since the age of 14 years. We dated in high-school but separated when I moved to XXX. We reunited later in XXX and it is at this time that XXX informed me of his run-in with the law in the time we had been apart. He explained how he had been charged in XXX, incarcerated and then later released in XXX.  he however also assured me that he was ready to make a change and not just become a better person but the best person he could possibly be.

And from the time that XXX made that promise, I have watched him keep that promise every day since.

XXX completely cut ties with old friends and then he got himself a place and then also got himself a job. And he didn’t stop there, he did his work so well and so diligently and made such great relationships with the people at work that he got his first promotion. And then after a while, he got a second promotion as well! The entire time, our relationship was growing as well and soon enough we moved in together, got married, bought our own house out in (specific home address), NJ and most memorably, also had a son together. On XX  December XXX, XXXX also made another big decision, the decision to be baptized and to give his life over to God.

And between being a devoted Christian, husband and father; an upstanding and honest working man, Luke has never stopped growing, wearing even more hats and simply being a beautiful person all the time. One of those hats that XXXX  chose to wear was to be a community leader and role model for especially vulnerable kids and young people in our neighborhood. And I always feel he makes friends with, talks to and mentors these kids and young people and always gives them someone to look up to and turn to for advice because he wants to keep every single child or young person he can off the same rough path that he found himself on when he was around their age. And I could honestly not think of a more overwhelmingly beautiful way that Luke gives back to the community than this one.

I hope that this letter tells you a bit more about my husband, XXX full name. A man who came to this country at the age of six, who made a number of missteps in his early life but who grabbed the opportunity to get his life back on track with both hands since that chance came. Finally, I hope that this letter also tells the story of the deeply loving, hardworking and honest man that XXX  has made of himself and the beautiful life that this doting husband and father, great work colleague and mentor leads every waking moment. I hope you see the good man I see, that his family sees, that his colleagues see and that the members of our community he is a role model to see. I hope you see this man as we all see him. And I hope you give him a chance like we all gave him too. I hope you know Luke won’t ever betray this trust, I hope you know Luke will always do his best to never let you down.


Yours sincerely,

XXXX (XXX loving wife and life partner)

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