






RE: Case No 555611469H


Pertaining to the above, this letter seeks your assistance to help me obtain information from my ex-wife, concerning money I sent her for our children’s fees. Also, this letter notifies you that I am not able to pay the amount I promised in full, as I shall allege in detail herein. 


I was in a marriage relationship with my ex-wife. We were blessed with two children from the union, all girls. Our marriage was dissolved on or about [ENTER DATE], vide a court order to that effect.


Before the dissolution of our marriage, I had raised some money to buy our family home. My ex-wife had put the mortgage in her name. However, she moved with my children to Kenya. She then sold the house and rendered me homeless. 


I received about a third of the proceeds from the sale of the house, and she received the rest of it. Prior to the sale, I had paid the mortgage, paid school fees, and child support for my children in Kenya, which funds were duly sent. However, towards the end of our girls’ term, she removed girls from school and did not pay the fees that I had sent. Notably, it appears she had given me a suspicious account. I tried making follow-ups with the bank to no avail. Also, I have written to the school. They will send me an invoice for any outstanding fees, if any, as she said that all school fees have been paid. 


It is also worth noting that at the Maintenance Hearing of the above referenced case, the Court ordered me to pay inter alia, £1000.00 from my redundancy payment to my ex-wife. I was to pay this money when I receive £2000.00 (my redundancy payment) from my employer on or about 01/06/2021. Accordingly, I agreed in court and promised to send the money to my ex-wife’s solicitors client account when I received it about 01/06/2021 or thereafter.


In conclusion, I would like to bring to you your attention that I had no legal representation and therefore found the prosecution of the above referenced case overwhelming. Therefore, I would like the courts to reduce the amount ordered (GBP 1000) to GBP 700. Besides, I am now being made redundant, so I can only afford the said GBP 700 pounds as I need to look for a new place to live. I am currently staying at the 2 rivers Makao Rosslyn Apartments. Also, I pray you assist me obtain information regarding the suspicious bank account and the funds I sent therein.  


It would be in the interest of justice for you to grant the said request(s).  


Thank you for your attention,


Yours Faithfully, 




Johnson Steve


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