[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]


[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code] Maryland





[City, State, Zip Code]


Dear XXX


With great enthusiasm and utmost respect for the reputation you have built, we, XXX Dental Associates LLC, a highly regarded dental practice located in XXX, are thrilled to express our strong and sincere interest in acquiring your esteemed dental practice. This comprehensive Letter of Intent (LOI) aims to outline the detailed terms and conditions of our proposed acquisition, effectively solidifying our unwavering commitment and unwavering intention to proceed with the necessary due diligence.

Terms of the Proposed Purchase:

  1. Purchase Price: We propose a purchase price of [amount in dollars], which reflects our genuine recognition of the value your practice holds within the industry and the exceptional patient care it provides. This figure is subject to adjustments based on the final evaluation of the business, its assets, and any mutually agreed-upon terms that may arise during the due diligence process.
  2. Due Diligence Period: We understand the importance of thoroughly understanding the intricacies and dynamics of your dental practice. Therefore, we request a maximum due diligence period of 60 days. This duration will enable us to conduct a comprehensive and meticulous assessment of various aspects, including financials, patient demographics, contracts, staff, equipment, legal compliance, and more. Our goal is to gain a profound understanding of your practice’s operational excellence and identify any potential concerns or risks, ultimately ensuring a seamless transition that upholds the quality of care you have diligently provided.
  3. Exclusivity: In recognition of the significance of this potential acquisition, we propose an exclusivity arrangement during the due diligence period and for an additional 60-day period thereafter. This arrangement would entail that you refrain from entertaining offers from other potential buyers, engaging in negotiations with any other party, or disclosing the sale of your practice to third parties. We firmly believe that granting us this exclusivity will foster an environment of trust, allowing us to invest the necessary time, resources, and expertise required to evaluate and pursue this opportunity wholeheartedly.
  4. Confidentiality: We deeply appreciate the confidentiality and sensitivity surrounding the information shared during the due diligence process. Rest assured that we will treat all disclosed information with the utmost discretion, maintaining strict confidentiality throughout the entire process. We pledge to utilize the shared information solely for the purpose of evaluating the potential purchase and securing a prosperous future for your practice.
  5. Purchase Agreement: Upon successful completion of the due diligence process, and in the absence of any material issues, we intend to proceed with the negotiation and execution of a mutually beneficial and legally binding purchase agreement. This agreement will encompass the specific terms and conditions of the transaction, including the final purchase price, payment terms, transition details, and any other essential provisions necessary for a smooth and seamless transition.

At XXX Dental Associates LLC, we firmly believe that our extensive experience, unwavering commitment to exceptional patient care, and proven track record of success position us as the ideal buyer for your esteemed dental practice. Our shared commitment to excellence, coupled with our dedication to preserving the legacy and reputation you have meticulously built, will undoubtedly pave the way for continued growth and success.

Please consider this letter as a formal expression of our genuine intent and unwavering dedication to pursuing the acquisition of your dental practice. We kindly request your acknowledgment of receipt of this letter, along with any additional information or documents necessary to initiate the due diligence process. We assure you that we will handle all shared information with the highest level of professionalism, confidentiality, and respect.

We are genuinely excited about the prospect

Thank you for your attention, and we eagerly await your prompt response.



[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

XXX  Dental Associates LLC


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