Legal Opinion

In proving good cause, I wouldn’t advise you to dwell so much on the Plaintiff taking care of her grandchildren. The Defendants will prove that there is no connection between your grandchildren and the Plaintiff’s workplace. The Plaintiff taking care of her grandchildren is her personal business and not related to her workplace. All through, you have used the Plaintiff taking care of her grandchildren to prove connection to the pandemic. Indeed, it is connected to the pandemic. The problem is that it does not relate to the Plaintiff’s workplace in any way. The Plaintiff taking care of her grandchildren is going to be a weak point in your complaint. You are also alleging that the Plaintiff’s employer did not address the Plaintiff’s safety concerns, and that the government issued directives to stay at home to control the spread of Covid-19. Those are your strongest points. The definition of ‘emergency’ is given in the Stafford Act. Tell me what you think. If the sworn testimony from the employee helps to prove your strongest points, we can surely use it. Let me take a look at it.

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