Welcome to Jordan Hardgrave Consulting LLC (hereinafter the “Company”) where, through mentorship, coaching, education, and guidance in applying body-based principles and techniques to heal from trauma, aim to facilitate our clients.

It brings us the utmost pleasure and joy to welcome you to the Company. We are confident that by the end of the 12-week program, Rise Unlimited, you will be empowered with everything you need to heal from trauma and move forward towards post-traumatic growth.

Please read and sign the terms and conditions of the services agreement hereunder carefully since these terms and conditions will govern your relationship with the Client.


THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of …….……………. Two Thousand and ……………………………


1.Jordan Hardgrave Consulting LLC, a limited liability company incorporated and established under the laws of the United States, with its principal office at (Insert Address Here), Russellville, Arkansas, 72802, hereinafter referred to as the (“Company”).


  1. (Insert Client’s Name), whose authorized representatives, permitted assignees, and administrators are included in the meaning, with an address at [insert address], hereinafter collectively referred to as the (“Client”). Collectively, the Company and the Client shall be referred to as the (“Parties”).


WHEREAS, The Company is engaged, inter alia, in providing, offering, and conducting various programs for aiding, assisting, and facilitating trauma survivors and like individuals;

WHEREAS, The Client has approached the Company to be a part of the program, “Rise Unlimited,” details of which are specified below, and the Company has accepted to induct the Client in its program upon the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing.

NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, and in exchange for lawful consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby agreed and acknowledged, the Parties hereto have hereinafter mutually agreed as follows:

  1. TERM:
  2. This Agreement shall become valid and effective upon its execution (the “Effective Date”) and shall remain in effect for a period of 12 weeks therefrom, or until such time the Program is complete, whichever is earlier, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (the “Term”).
  4. By virtue of this Agreement, the Company shall within 3 days from the Effective Date, provide the Client with access to and induct the Client into its “12 Week Program” (the “Program”).
  5. The Program shall be held online, and the Company shall offer the following:
  6. A group coaching call for 1.5 hours once a week.
  7. Access to audio or text coaching online from Jordan Hardgrave as well as unlimited video coaching calls for a period of 12 weeks.

iii. Access to a trauma-based online course.

  1. The Program, named “Rise Unlimited,” shall conduct a group coaching call for a period of 12 weeks on Mondays at 3 PM CST, as stated above. The Client is encouraged to actively participate in and attend these meetings to maximize their engagement and benefit from the Program. While attendance is not a mandatory requirement for remaining in the Program, it is highly recommended for the Client’s overall progress and growth. The Company reserves the right to adjust the meeting day and time at its discretion, and any changes will be communicated to the Client in advance.
  2. If in the event a group coaching session falls on a holiday and is canceled, or is canceled for any reason, an additional meeting will be added to the end of the Client’s 12 weeks appropriately. The client is entitled to receive 12 weeks of group coaching, 12 meetings, even if those meetings end up not being back-to-back due to an unforeseen circumstance or holiday that requires any meeting to be canceled.
  3. Within 3 days from the Effective Date, the Company shall provide the Client with a list of details in relation to the Program.


  1. The Company represents that it has the right and authority to enter into this Agreement as well as the skill, expertise, and experience to provide the above stated services to the Client and conduct the Program.
  2. The Company warrants that it shall conduct the Program in a diligent and prudent manner and in accordance with the highest professional standards.
  3. The Company shall not use or otherwise disclose any Confidential Information pertaining to the Client except to the extent of marketing its Program or other programs in which case the Company shall not use the personal details of the Client such as name, picture, telephone number, residential address or any other sensitive information shared by the Client. Any testimonials used for the sake of marketing the Program will be adjusted to maintain the privacy of the Client unless the Client gives permission to use more sensitive information.
  4. The Company affirms that it shall keep the Client duly informed in the event of any delays in the Program and shall extend the Term accordingly.
  5. The Company may offer additional advice and / or coaching to the Client subject to the Client’s written request for the same.
  7. The Client represents that it has the right, authority and capacity to enter into and be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
  8. The Client hereby undertakes that it understands that the Program being conducted by the Company and the services and affiliated services being offered in lieu thereof do not constitute as medical, mental health or professional advice, guidance or instructions. The Company, whilst being skilled and experienced, does not identify itself as being a licensed mental health professional, doctor, certified board, or institute offering professional help and opinions, and everything the Client is told by the Company should be taken as personal opinion for educational purposes only, and as such, the Client is aware of the same.
  9. The Client affirms and understands that the Company does not guarantee and makes no warranties whatsoever regarding the success or likelihood of success upon the personal and / or professional life of the Client by virtue of the Program. The Client undertakes that it understands that the Program is a means of facilitation and does not, in any way or manner whatsoever, constitute, represent, operate or identify as professional center(s) or guaranteeing / warranting the improvement into the personal and / or professional life of the Client.
  10. The Client shall follow the instructions and guidance of the Company and shall be solely responsible for ensuring that he / she attends one meeting per week during the Term of this Agreement and the Program. In the event the Client, due to its own choice, does not attend the meeting(s) for any reason whatsoever, it shall, notwithstanding, not be entitled to a refund and the Company shall not be obligated to provide the same.
  11. The Client shall upon completion of the Program and subject to the Client being satisfied, promote the Company in the form and manner determined by the Client.


  1. In consideration of the Program “Rise Unlimited” being conducted by Jordan Hardgrave Consulting LLC (referred to as the “Company”), and the Client being a part of the same, the Client shall have the option to choose from various payment plans as follows:
  2. One-time Payment: The Client may make a single payment of $4,000 US Dollars.
  3. Two Payments: The Client may opt for two payments of $2,250 US Dollars each.

iii. Three Payments: The Client may choose three payments of $1,500 US Dollars each.

  1. Four Payments: The Client may select four payments of $1,125 US Dollars each.
  2. Five Payments: The Client may opt for five payments of $900 US Dollars each.
  3. The payment plan selected by the Client shall be communicated to the Company upon signing this Agreement. The Client agrees to diligently make payments in accordance with the chosen plan. The Company shall provide further instructions for payment methods and timelines.
  4. The Payment shall be made in US Dollars and shall be in accordance with the timelines specified under this Agreement. Time is of the essence regarding the Payment. The Company shall inform the Client once the Payment has been received.

In the event that the Client is not satisfied with the Program, they may communicate its concerns to the Company. However, the Client acknowledges and agrees that no refunds, whether partial or full, shall be requested or demanded for any reason, related to the Payment made.


  1. Any data, documents, or information (whether in physical or electronic form) disclosed to the Client or disclosed by the Client to the company, are of proprietary and confidential nature (Confidential Information”). The Parties hereto shall hold in strict confidence the Confidential Information and shall not, without the consent of the other Party, publish, use or otherwise disclose the Confidential Information to any third party either in whole or in part, nor use it for purposes other than those for which it was provided to him/her and shall use it only for the purpose of discharging his/her duties under this Agreement.


  1. The Client agrees that any ideas, concepts, techniques, computer programs, drafts, written content, articles and other related work which are created, developed and/or designed during the Term of this Agreement and by virtue of the Program, and the titles, content, format, idea, theme, script, characteristics and the other attributes thereof, shall automatically upon their creation become the exclusive property of the Company. All intellectual property rights in the Program, if any, shall vest solely with the Company.


  1. The Client shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company and its coaches, officers, directors, employees and affiliates from all claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses which incur as a result of or arise out of the Client’s negligence or breach of this Agreement including any loss or damage to the Company or its business.
  2. The Client undertakes that it understands that the Company does not operate as a correctional or psychiatric facility and therefore, does not guarantee the success, or likelihood of success, of the Program on any individual, including the Client. The Client shall fully indemnify and hold the Company harmless if it pursues any action or undertakes business etc., upon completion or during the Program and incurs any loss(es) etc.


  1. The Client hereby undertakes that neither it nor any person acting directly or indirectly on his/her behalf shall at any time (including after expiry or termination of his/her engagement with the Company), whether in public or in private, make, imply, insinuate, state or express any negative, false, defamatory, derogatory or disparaging remark, comment, opinion or statement in respect of the Company or its services, programs, products, clients, officers, independent contractors or agents.
  2. The Client shall take no action which is intended, or would reasonably be expected, to harm the Company or its services, programs, products, clients, officers, independent contractors or agents, or harm the reputation of any of the foregoing or which would reasonably be expected to lead to unwanted or unfavorable publicity for any of the foregoing.
  4. The Company shall not be held responsible nor liable for any delay in performance and rendering of services or conducting the Program for reasons and events occurring beyond its reasonable control. These events include acts of God, terrorism, riots, blackouts, electricity shortages, wars, pandemics etc., (the “Force Majeure Events”). In the event of any such Force Majeure Event(s), the Company’s timeline to conduct the Program shall be extended accordingly. However, in the event such Force Majeure Event(s) lasts longer for a period of 30 day(s), the Parties may mutually agree to terminate this Agreement subject to any payment(s) which may be due and payable to the Company by the Client.
  6. This Agreement shall automatically expire upon:

(i) the completion of the Program and;

(ii) the Company having received the entire Payment from the Client.

  2. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States of America.
  3. All disputes arising out of this Agreement shall be resolved amicably by the Parties by way of negotiations within 15 days or other applicable alternative forms of dispute resolution, failing which, such dispute shall be subject to a mutually appointed mediator. The mediator’s decision shall be deemed as final and binding upon the Parties.
  5. This Agreement, including all attachments, if any, constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to the subject matter herein.
  6. This Agreement supersedes in its entirety any and all other agreements or negotiations, oral or written between the Parties.
  8. The headings in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and will not control or affect the meaning or construction of any provisions hereof.
  10. If any provision of this Agreement or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability will not affect any other provision hereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Room Rental Agreement as of the date first above written.

Signed by or on behalf of:


COMPANY                                                        CLIENT

NAME:                                                             NAME:

JORDAN HARDGRAVE CONSULTING LLC               ____________________________

SIGNATURE:                                                     SIGNATURE:

________________________________                ____________________________

DATE:                                                               DATE:

________________________________                ____________________________

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