This Jewelry Rental Agreement (the ‘Agreement’) is made and entered on
___________________ (‘Effective Date’) by and between Nastava
Artisan Jewelry (‘Owner”)and _______(‘Photographer’). Individually
referred to as ‘Party’ and collectively referred to as ‘Parties’. The Parties intend to be
legally bound as follows:

  1. Jewelry. The Owner hereby rents to Photographer the following Jewelry:

  1. Term. The term will commence on _________ (‘Commencement
    Date’) and will end on ________ (‘End date’). This Agreement
    may be terminated if the jewelry is not properly taken care of, if it is loaned to
    third parties, if some of the jewelry is stolen or copied by other designers.
  2. Jewelry Delivery. The Parties to the agreement will agree on the delivery
    logistics of the Jewelry rented.
  3. Payment. Photographer will pay as rent the amount of $ _ per day in
    exchange of use of the Jewelry. Payment will be made via credit card.
  4. Late charges. If any amount due under this Agreement is more than
    hours late, Photographer agrees to pay a late fee of $ __
  5. Possession and Surrender of Jewelry. Photographer shall be entitled to
    possession of the Jewelry on the first day of the Rental term. At the expiration of
    the Term, the Photographer will be required to surrender the Jewelry to the
    Owner by delivering it in a good condition and working order, ordinary wear and
    tear, as it was at the commencement of the Agreement.
  6. Use of Jewelry. The Photographer shall only use the Jewelry in a careful and
    proper manner. Anytime the jewelry is used and photographed, the Photographer
    shall send the Owner the photos and the Owner shall have the right to use.
  7. Condition Jewelry. The Photographer represents that they will inspect the
    Jewelry to ensure that it is in good and acceptable condition. While the Jewelry is
    in their possession, they will maintain the Jewelry in good condition.
  8. Owner Obligations. Owner represents and warrants that they have the right to
    rent the Jewelry as provided in this Agreement and that the Photographer shall
    be entitled to quietly hold and possess the Jewelry, and Owner agrees that they
    will not interfere with that right as long as the Photographer pays the rent in a
    timely manner and performs all other obligations under the agreement. The
    Jewelry is and shall remain the exclusive property of the Owner.
  9. Binding Effect. The covenants and conditions contained in the Agreement shall
    apply to and bind the Parties and the heirs, legal representatives, successors
    and permitted assigns of the Parties.

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  1. Dispute Resolution. Any disputes arising with regard to the subject matter of the
    Agreement will be solved in good faith through mediation.
  2. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed and construed according to
    the laws of South Carolina.
  3. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
    the Parties and supersedes any prior understandings or representation of any
    kind preceding the date of this Agreement. There are no other promises,
    conditions, understandings or other agreements, whether oral or written, relating
    to the subject matter of the Agreement. The Agreement may be modified in
    writing and must be signed by Photographer and Owner.
  4. Additional Terms and Conditions: ______________________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed
as follows:
Name: _______________
Signature: ___________
Date: ______________

Name: _______________
Signature: ___________
Date: ______________

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