This Investment Agreement herein referred to as the “Agreement” is made and
entered into on _____________________ hereinafter referred to as the “Effective
date” between SARAH BELLE ENTERPRISES hereinafter the ”Company,” and
__________________________ hereinafter referred to as the “investor.”
WHEREAS Sarah Belle Enterprises is a US-based company owned by Sarah Belle,
a music artist, where the company is organized under the laws of the United States.
WHEREAS Benjamin Samuel is the investor of the company; and
WHEREAS the parties herein have willingly agreed to be legally bound by the
following terms; –
1. Investment.
The investor herein agrees to remit $100,000 (hereinafter referred to as the
“Investment”) to the company as investment for 85% streaming royalties off the EP
for 4 years.
The investment will be deposited via wire transfer to the Company within 3 months,
with the first deposit being remitted after signing this agreement to the follwing
account detail;-

 Account #: 36158821824
 Routing: 031176110

2. Benefit.
The investor’s Return of Investment will be in the form of royalty payments only.
The Investor herein acknowledges and accepts that there is an accepted time delay
in receiving royalties to allow the processing time for all platforms (i.e. Spotify takes 2
months to pay the artists).
The Company will thereafter pay the investor on a platform convenient for him once
the royalties have been collected after each quarter.
3. Use.
The parties herein agrees that the investment will be used primarily for marketing
costs, promotional materials, sound recording, and video production. Around 10%
will be allocated for merchandise production live performance costs, and living costs.
4. Reports.

The investor has the right to request the company for any financial report in relation
to the investment amount within a reasonable timeline, which shall not be denied by
the company unreasonably.
5. Confidentiality.
The Company and the Investor agree to work in good faith expeditiously towards the
Closing. The Company and the founders agree that they will not, for a period of 10
years from the date these terms are accepted, take any action to solicit, initiate,
encourage or assist the submission of any proposal, negotiation or offer from any
person or entity other than the Investors relating to the sale or issuance, of any of the
capital stock of the Company [or the acquisition, sale, lease, license or other
disposition of the Company or any material part of the stock or assets of the
Company] and shall notify the Investors promptly of any inquiries by any third parties
in regards to the foregoing. The Company will not disclose the terms of this Term
Sheet to any person other than employees, shareholders, members of the Board of
Directors and the Company’s accountants and attorneys, and other potential
Investors acceptable to the investor without the written consent of the Investors
(which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed).
6. Non-Disclosure.
Without the prior written consent of the Company, the investor agrees and
undertakes not to; –
i. Disclose any confidential information to any third party;
ii. Make any copies and distribute any document regarded as Confidential
7. Warranties.
The investor warrants that they shall not institute any claims against the Company
arising from their performance under this Agreement.
The investor warrants to abide by the terms and conditions set out in this agreement
and comply with any requirement needed by him.
The Company warrants that it will do everything possible to protect the investment.
However, the Company shall not be liable for any claims or security breaches arising
from the performance of this Agreement.
The Company does not guarantee the profit made as specified under this

The Company warrants that it will not take any fees or cuts from the investor’s
8. Intellectual Property.
Parties herein agree that the Company will maintain all rights to Sarah Belle
Enterprises and run the day-to-day operations.
The Company will inform the investor if presented with an offer to sign with a
recording label or publishing agent which solely applies to the EP "Say U Love Me".
9. Governing Law.
Parties agree that the terms, conditions, and obligations expected to be performed
by the parties in this Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the Laws of
the state of the United States.
10. Dispute/Conflict Resolution.
The Company and the Investor hereby mutually agree to have mutual negotiations in
good faith if there is a dispute concerning the services, interpretation, obligations,
etc., envisioned under this Agreement. If the talks fail, parties may resolve the
issue/dispute/conflict through the Federal Arbitration Act.
Each party shall carter for any fees or costs that may accrue.
11. Entire Agreement.
This Agreement provides the parties’ entire understanding concerning the subject
matter herein and supersedes all previous agreements (oral and written) or
This agreement, other than the obligations already fulfilled, shall remain in full force
even after the end of the agreement.
12. Headings.
The headings of this Agreement are for mere convenience and shall not affect the
meaning or construction of any provision hereof.
13. Amendments.
Either party may request any changes or amendments to the terms of this
Agreement, and if approved, the modification or changes must be in writing and
signed by both parties.
The parties agree that they are not bound to agree to any request for changes or
modifications of the terms in this Agreement.
14. Waiver.

The waiver by any party for a breach of any covenant or provision in this Agreement
shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by either
15. Severability.
In the event a court of competent jurisdiction declares any term or provision of this
Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, this Agreement will remain
in full force and effect and either:
i. The invalid or unenforceable provision(s) will be modified to the minimum
extent necessary to make such provision(s) valid and enforceable; or
ii. If such a modification is not possible, this Agreement will be interpreted as if
such invalid or unenforceable provision(s) were not a part of this Agreement.
16. Assignment.
Neither party to this agreement may assign any of its rights or obligations to any third
party without the express written consent of the other party.
17. Counterparts.
This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which will constitute the
same instrument and be original.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have executed this Agreement and
agree to be bound by the terms set above;-
Signed by the COMPANY; –
Email Address:

Signed by the INVESTOR; –
Email Address:


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