This Illustrator Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) between
___________ (hereinafter referred to as the “author”) on one part, and __________
(hereinafter referred to as the “Illustrator”) on the other part, and together referred to
as the “Parties.”
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and considerations between
the parties, they agree as follows; –
1. Services.
The parties herein agree that the author has ________________ to be an illustrator
of the author’s children’s book.
2. Term.
This Agreement shall start on _____________ (hereinafter referred to as the
“Effective Date”). It shall continue indefinitely unless or until its terminated.
3. Payment, Fees, and Expenses.
The parties herein agree that the illustrator shall receive ______________ as
compensation for each completed illustration.
The author shall make the necessary payments to the illustrator upfront after the
completed task.
4. Confidentiality.
The illustrator acknowledges that in delivering the services herein, they will come
into contact with confidential information that relates to/belongs to the author and
agrees not to disclose this information to any third parties without the written consent
of the author.
5. Indemnification.
The parties herein agree to indemnify and hold each other harmless for any losses,
damages, or liabilities.
6. Relationship.
The relationship between the parties herein is that of an independent contractor, and
the same shall not be construed to mean otherwise.
7. Termination.
Either party to this Agreement may terminate the terms herein by issuing 7 days
written notice to the other party.

The reasons for termination may include but are not limited to; – if the Author fails to
make an upfront payment or if the illustrator fails to deliver on time.
8. Acknowledgment.
The illustrator herein agrees and acknowledges that they will not institute any lawsuit
against the author on transferring their rights to the ownership of their illustrations to
the author.
The illustrator acknowledges that the artwork they deliver herein to the author for the
book is their original work and not stolen and not copyrighted.
9. Dispute Resolution.
If a dispute or conflict arises from the services or terms herein, the same shall be
negotiated between the parties in good faith; if the same fails, the parties shall refer
to mediation.
10. Ownership.
Parties herein agree that once the illustrations have been delivered, the author has
ownership rights of the images for the book named _______________.
The author owns all rights to the project illustrations and worldwide copyright rights.
11. Marketing.
The author may distribute images and make any modifications to the images such as
repurposing for marketing and promotional purposes. The illustrator will be credited
on the front cover and the copyright page for his work
12. Intellectual Property.
The parties herein agree that the illustrations created by the Freelancer under this
Agreement will be intellectual property owned exclusively by the author.
The illustrator agrees and acknowledges to transfer his/her ownership rights and/or
copyright to the author herein.
The illustrator agrees that he is not entitled to any royalties of sales of the book.
13. Governing Law.
The terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be governed according to the laws
of the State of Georgia.
14. Entire Agreement.
The terms and provisions herein contain the agreement between the parties and
supersede any prior written or oral agreements or negotiations.
15. Amendments.

Parties may modify or amend the terms herein through another written and signed
codicil by the parties.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have agreed to be legally bound by the terms
herein by signing below:
By the Author; –

By the Illustrator; –

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