This Forfeiture and Compensation agreement effective as _____________________________ (‘Effective Date’) is entered into by and between Our Grace Personal Care Services, LLC of 11940 Bricksome Ave Ste D, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 AND LaCeisha King. Laceisha King agrees to bound as follows:

I, LaCeisha King agree to leave Our Grace Personal Care Services LLC to operate “as is” with the change of information of the entire company to existing partners of the company

I, LaCeisha King Agree to Change All Information back over to the rightful owners Tyroyde Brown ,Donna Brown & forfeit over my 1% of ownership in Our Grace Personal Care Services also agree to sign a ownership disclosure agreement

I , LaCeisha King Agreed to Remove myself, give up all my rights from all accounts/medical licenses that’s attached to Our Grace Personal Care Services such as (established credit lines for the company to operate , the Louisiana sectary of State LLC that’s open for the company , All business bank accounts , payroll system , state medical licenses, NPI numbers , business Insurances , leases agreement, Utilities , business emails , care act plan grant , Duns and Bradstreet , SAMS , All Socials media , EIN and Etc.)

I, LaCeisha King take full responsibility for being the operating CEO over Jamesia Williams operating manager/ administrator over all Financials of Our Grace Personal Care Services for the following years of 2020-2021

I, LaCeisha King agree that I will not solicit any Our Grace Personal Care Services LLC clients or employees in no kind of way or I would be in valuation & legal actions would be taken ; (such as charges filed against me & added to the solicitation list at the Department of health & hospitals

I, LaCeisha King, agree that I will not set-up a business that is similar directly or indirectly to that of Our Grace Personal Care Services LLC in  the state of Louisiana for a period of three years after the termination of this Agreement.

I , LaCeisha King acknowledge that my Partnership Agreement between partners Tyroyde Brown and Donna Brown has been  terminated and ceases to exist due to my violation and breach of the terms by embezzling Our Grace Personal Care Services Payroll system with the use of unauthorized funds with the assistance of The operating Manager/ Administrator Jamesia Williams.

All financial documents & partnership agreements that have been breached by LaCeisha King will be attached to this forfeiture agreement & Change of Information to all rights to Our Grace Personal Care Services , LLC due towards fraudulent activity , embezzlement & misappropriation unauthorized funds with the payroll system that was controlled by Lakeisha King & giving access to Jamesia Williams

Proof of all fraudulent activity committed by LaCeisha King /Jamesia Williams from the payroll system documents & all financials from 2020-2021 with their names , checking accounts & all Financials amount from all unauthorized employees to defraud the payroll system will be attached to this document . These are the following unauthorized employees that were added to the payroll system to embezzle funds from Our Grace Personal Care Services that was not active employees for the company in 2020-2021 :


Jacoby Nelson

Check (750.00)

Checking #0018 (5,500.00)(10,724.00)

Checking #0017 (20,699.90)

Unauthorized Amount- 37,673.90

Jamesia Williams

Check (6,156.12)

Checking #2867 (45,547.04)

Checking #1719 (24,111.00)

Amount- 83,290.00

Salary – 65,000.00

Unauthorized amount : 18,290.00

Brelln Cage

Checking #1719 (29,620.00)

Checking #6133 (2,400.00)

Unauthorized Amount – 32,020.00

Lyndrell Varisa

Unauthorized Checking #5133 (1,100.00)

Jerron Henry

Unauthorized Checking #0018 (26,812.50)

$115,605.00 USD for the year of 2020

Jacoby Nelson

Checking # 0017

Unauthorized Amount- 35,900.00

Jerron Henry

Checking # 0018

Unauthorized Amount- 1,800

LaCeisha King

Checking #0018

Amount- 111,455.00

Salary amount- 67,600

Unauthorized amount: 43,850.00

Tyra Myles

Check (10,398.40 ) salary

Checking #0017 (2,800.00)

Checking #0018 (4,004.00)

Unauthorized Amount- 6,804.00

Lakeya Clark

Checking #5647

Unauthorized Amount- 8,008.00

Berlin Cage

Checking #6133 (28,850.00)

Checking #2867 (1,400.00)

Unauthorized Amount- 30,250.00

Jamesia Williams

Checking #2867 (4,567.20)

Checking #1719 (94,354.80)

Amount- 98,922.00

Salary – 65,000.00

Unauthorized amount: 33,922.00

LaKendra Lee

Checking #5212 (7,000.00)

Checking #1719 (1,500.00)

Unauthorized Amount- 8,500.00

$169,038.60 USD is the total Unauthorized amount for 2021

The Total amount of Unauthorized funds was the amount of $284,643.60 USD from the payroll system

I , LaCeisha King also have the amount of $25,000 Audit from Elite insurance for turning fraudulently Financials saying the company made $50,000 defrauding the insurance company willingly knowing Our Grace Personal Care service made 2.2 million in 2021 which caused an audit causing the company more harm & loss of interest

I, LaCeisha King also acknowledge that I owe partner of Our Grace Personal Care Services , LLC (Tyroyde Brown) in the amount of $48,000.00 in a written agreed promissory note that established the business secured credit line account & that he must take full ownership of the establish business secured credit line account for the business to run “as is”

I, Laceisha King, acknowledge that I have violated the Louisiana Embezzlement Law by committing the theft by misappropriation without violence crime by taking Our Grace Personal Care Services property without their consent and without violence and I intended to take the property permanently.

I, Laceisha King acknowledge that conviction of the offence of theft by misappropriation without violence may lead to stringent punishments such as long sentences, fines, restitution, job restrictions, community service, loss of professional licensing and certification and other sentences deemed appropriate by the court.

I, Laceisha King acknowledge that Our Grace Personal Care Services have legitimate legal claims against me and strong evidence that will back up their claims. Therefore, I agree to pay back the amount owed to the Company due to all my fraudulent activity, losses and harm that I have caused the Company while it is in my control. The total amount owed is $ 309, 643.60.

I, Laceisha King acknowledge that failure to reimburse the Company will result to legal charges being pursued against me.

I, LaCeisha King agree that this agreement represents the entire understanding between me and Our Grace Personal Care Services and it replaces any oral or contemporaneous agreements.

I, LaCeisha King agree that this Agreement will be governed and construed according to the laws of the state of Louisiana and any disputes arising as a result of the subject matter of this Agreement will be subject to the jurisdiction of Louisiana Courts.

By affixing my signature below, I agree to be bound by this Agreement.

Name: LaCeisha King

Signature: _________________________

Date: ___________________________

Company Representative Name: ______________________

Signature: ______________________

Date: _________________________

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