This employment contract is made on this ____________________ between xxxxx. of address  (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”) and yyyyy of US passport number: zzzzzz (hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”). Together referred to as parties.

Whereas the Employer and the Employee have agreed to be mutually bound by the following terms of the Contract; –  

  1. Parties.

The description of the parties is as follows; –

  • Employer’s Name: xxxxx 
  • Location: address
  • City: 
  • Employee’s Name: yyyyy
  • Location: …………………….
  • ID/ Passport: yyyyyy      
  • Country: ……………………….
  1. Position.

The Employee has been retained as a General Manager and Sales at yyyyy

  1. Salary.

In consideration of the duties and responsibilities being carried out for the Employer, the Employee shall receive a salary of $ X per year, including a monthly pass of public transport from California to New York.

The payment of the above-stated salary shall be through bank transfer to the Employee’s Bank Account as detailed below; –


  1. Term.

The Employer shall retain the services of the Employee from 3rth March 2022 (hereinafter the effective date) until otherwise terminated by the parties.

  1. Duties and Responsibilities.

The Employee will carry out the following duties and responsibilities during the performance of this Contract; –

  1. Report directly to the Employer, the President of the Company
  2. Follow the guidelines, service standards, and the business culture 
  3. Have access to the company phone, debit card, and safe deposit.
  4. Be responsible for handling the company phone, debit card, and safe deposit.
  5. Make no use of the company assets for any personal use.
  6. Keep account and manage any consignment inventory collected from suppliers.
  7. Keep the consignment level carried, and inventory kept overnight in the insured, safe deposit in the level of the insurance policy, and no more than $90,000 in any given time unless informed otherwise that the insurance premium is increased in writing by the Employer.
  8. Work Days/Time.

Parties agree that there is no fixed amount of hours set. The employee shall work at least five (5) days a week including Sunday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. for a cumulative 40-50 hours depending on the customers’ appointments and availability.

The employee is entitled to sick leave/off in accordance with the governing laws of the State of Texas

The employee agrees and acknowledges that in case of a day off request, the same shall be discussed in advance with the employer.

  1. Termination.

The Employee may resign from this position and terminate this Contract at any time and for any reason by issuing a 30 days’ prior written notice of their resignation.

The Employer may terminate the services of the Employee herein at any time by issuing 30 days’ written notice and for any reason including but not limited to; –

  1. Any breach of the terms herein.
  2. Incompetence.
  3. Lack of productivity.
  4. Poor quality of work.
  5. Lack or poor conduct of the Employee.
  6. Breach of the confidentiality terms.
  7. Insubordination and related issues such as dishonesty or breaking company rules.
  8. Attendance issues such as frequent absences or chronic tardiness.
  9. Repetitive mistakes.
  1. Dispute Resolution.

In case of any dispute during the performance and the interpretation of this Contract, parties agree to resolve the matter through litigation and hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the Court and the laws of the State 

Parties agree to bear their legal costs.

  1. Governing Law.

The provisions of this Contract shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the State 

  1. Confidential Information.

The Employee herein acknowledges that during the performance of the duties and responsibilities listed in this Contract, they will come across confidential information and agree not to disclose or share with any third parties not privy to this Contract without prior written consent from the Employer.

The Employee agrees to the term mentioned above of the Contract, and failure to comply or breach thereof shall terminate the Contract immediately.

  1. Severability.

Suppose a provision in this Contract is declared invalid or unenforceable by a court of law. In that case, the same shall be severed from this Contract, and the remaining provision shall continue to be in effect and binding upon the parties.

  1. Modification.

Either party to this Contract may request a modification of any term herein, which shall only be binding and form part of this Contract if it’s written and signed by both parties. 

  1. Entire Agreement.

The terms of this Contract reflect the complete agreement between the parties herein and supersedes any prior oral or written negotiations or promises.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the date indicated below; –

Authorized Signature of the Employer;Name: ……………………………………… Signature: ………………………………….Date: ……………………………………….. Signature of the Employee;Name: ………………………………………Signature: ………………………………….Date: ………………………………………..
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