State of California


THIS DOG TRAINING SERVICES AGREEMENT (hereinafter “the Agreement”) is made
and entered into this day of _________________[Date], _________________[Month],
Two Thousand and Twenty-Three (2023).
1. [Client’s Name] having a primary address at the following:
_________________ [Address]
(hereinafter “the Client”) of the first part;

2. [Trainer’s Name/Company] having a primary address at the following:
Los Angeles, California (hereinafter “the Trainer”) of the second part.

Client’s Dog [Name]: ____________________Breed: _____________Age:
__________Color:__________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Dog”)

The Client and the Trainer may be referred to individually as “Party” and
collectively as “the Parties”.
1. The Trainer carries out the business of Dog Training both mobile training and
private lessons;
2. The Client is desirous of sourcing the dog Training Services of the Trainer
(hereinafter the “Training Services”);
3. The Trainer has the skills, qualifications, and expertise required to provide the
training for the dog(s) and wishes to provide said Services.

IN CONSIDERATION OF the promises and covenants herein, as well as other
good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged), the Parties do hereby agree as follows:

1. The Trainer agrees to provide private lessons for the Client on a lesson-by-
lesson basis, the goal being to teach the Client how to train and work with Dog.
These lessons will take place at the Client’s home or on agreed location.
2. The Trainer will take every reasonable effort to help the Client achieve
training and behavior modification goals but makes no guarantee of Dog’s
performance or behavior as a result of providing consultation.
3. The Client understands that it and members of the household must follow the
Trainer’s instructions without modification, work with Dog as recommended,
and constantly reinforce training being given to Dog to achieve results.
4. The Trainer agrees to provide mobile training for a duration of four (4) weeks
of the Trainer picking up and dropping off the Dog from the Client from 9am to
5. The mobile training is also accompanied with seven (7) sessions of sixty (60)
minutes duration each of long private lessons.

1. For the private lessons, the Trainer will provide the Services for six (6)
sessions. Each session will last for 90 minutes and the scheduled fee will be at
$1000. The total amount payable for all sessions will be $6000.
2. For the mobile training, the Trainer will provide the Services for a duration of 4
weeks inclusive of private lessons for 7 sessions each 60 minutes long. The
scheduled fee will at $4000.
3. Payments shall be done upfront via Zelle, and QuickBooks Payments.


1. The Client warrants that the Dog is physically fit and in good health, and free
of fleas, parasites, and infectious disease.

1. If the Client fails to give at least 24 hours cancellation notice, or is not present
at time of scheduled appointment, session fees are still due. For a package
deal, the session will still be counted as one session.
2. For private training sessions, the following apply with respect to cancellations
or training sessions missed by the Client:
a) Sessions cancelled by the Client more than 48 hours before the appointment
may be rescheduled by mutual agreement once and thereafter if cancelled by
the Client again will be forfeited without refund of fees.
b) Sessions cancelled by the Client less than 48 hours before any appointment will
be forfeited without refund of fees. Individual make up sessions may be
3. Sessions expire one year from the date of purchase, and all sessions must be
used within this period. If the Client or Dog do not attend a training session
within one year of the booking of that session, the session will be forfeited
without refund of fees.
4. The Trainer will have no obligation to provide services with respect to any
training session that is forfeited.

1. The Client recognizes that the role it plays in the Dog’s learning process is
integral to achieving desired results. Success in training Dog is dependent on
the interest, commitment and cooperation of the Client.
2. The Dog may have underlying conditions, instincts or circumstances which
inhibit reaching the desired training goal;
3. The Client acknowledges and agrees that there is no guarantee that Dog will
achieve the desired level of training, despite the best efforts of the Trainer.

4. The Client understands that the recommendation of any other product or
service by the Trainer is not a guarantee of satisfaction with that product or

1. The Client grants to the Trainer, and/or its representatives, the right to take
photographs and videos of Client and/or Dog, and to copyright, use and publish
the same in print and/or electronically. The Client agrees that Trainer may use
such photographs and videos of Client and/or Dog with or without name and for
any lawful purpose, including, for example, such purposes as publicity,
illustration, advertising, and Web content.

1. The Client expressly acknowledges and understands that the Trainer’s services
will be provided in an environment where certain hazards may exist, including,
but not limited to, debris in the training area, other animals and their owners,
training equipment, water, and other natural hazards.
2. The Client expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Trainer and to
pay all losses and damages suffered or incurred, and to defend and indemnify
the Trainer from any claims, demands, lawsuits, losses, costs or expenses,
including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the provision of
Trainer’s services to Client and/or Dog.
3. If Dog causes property damage, or bites or injures to any dog, animal or person
(including but not limited to Trainer), during or after the term of this
Agreement, then the Client agrees to pay all resulting losses and damages
suffered or incurred, and to defend and indemnify the Trainer from any
resulting claims, demands, lawsuits, losses, costs or expenses, including
attorney fees.
4. If Dog is injured in a fight or in any other manner during or after the term of
the Agreement, the Client assumes the risk and agrees that the Trainer should

not be held responsible for any resulting injuries, losses, damages, costs or

At the Trainer’s sole election, the Trainer’s duties hereunder shall terminate if
a) In the Trainer’s sole judgment Dog is dangerous or vicious to the Trainer or any
other person or animal, or interferes with the training of other dogs, or
b) The Client breaches any term or condition of this Agreement;
c) The Client requests service termination.
Upon termination in accordance with the foregoing, the Trainer’s duties shall
terminate but all other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and

In case that the Parties cannot amicably resolve a dispute from this Agreement, the
Parties agree to resolve any such dispute or damage claim by mediation. In the event
that the involved parties cannot resolve the dispute by informal negotiations, the
Parties agree to submit the dispute to mediation in accordance to the American
Arbitration Association (AAA), Los Angeles, California. The Parties will bear their own
costs of the mediation. The mediator’s fee shall be shared equally by all parties
involved in the dispute.

The terms of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of California, not including its conflicts of law provisions.

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or
in part, the remaining provisions shall not be affected and shall continue to be valid

and enforceable as though the invalid or unenforceable parts had not been included in
this Agreement.

This Agreement is binding upon the Client, spouse of Client, and children of Client.
This Agreement supersedes all prior discussions, representations, warranties and
agreements of the parties, and expresses the entire agreement between Client and
Trainer regarding the matters described above. The parties confirm that, except for
that which is specifically written in this Agreement, no promises, representations or
oral understandings have been made with regard to Dog or anything else. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Client acknowledges that the Trainer has
not represented, promised, guaranteed or warranted that Dog will never bite, that
Dog will not be dangerous or vicious in the future, that Dog will not exhibit other
behavioral problems, or that the results of the training will last for any particular
amount of time. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument signed
by both Client and Trainer.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day
and year herein above written.

SIGNED by the parties: )
……………………………. ) _________________


([YOUR NAME/COMPANY] -TRAINER) ) _________________

) Signature


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