[your name]

[your address]

May 29, 2021

[name of institution]

[address of institution]


To whom it may concern,

I refer to the above subject matter.

On or about [date], you charged [amount] to my [type] credit card ending in [last four digits]. The charge was made without my express authorization and the same has been brought to your attention on several occasion. Consequent to my complaints, you assigned me account number [complaint account number].

As I have stated on previous occasions, I have not, in any form or manner, benefited from or enjoyed the services/product of the unauthorized charge. I have equally demanded that you refund to me the full amount of the unauthorized charge.

To date, you have failed to comply with previous requests. Moreover, no attempts have been made by yourselves to initiate contact with a view of addressing the unauthorized charge. Consequently, the amount charged without my authorization has not been refunded.

Despite, the foregoing, I wish to amicably resolve this misunderstanding and I look forward to your cooperation in settling the same.

Notwithstanding the above, TAKE NOTICE that if your response is not received within 14 days from the date here above, I will be constrained to escalate this matter with judicial proceedings.

Let wise counsel prevail!


[Your name]

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