Users are responsible for complying with relevant laws, regulations, and regulations for any information published on the website. We can delete any content that violates laws, rules, regulations, and these terms and conditions. Users are obliged to use this website responsibly and are responsible for protecting their accounts by safeguarding their login details with viable passwords and keeping those details confidential. You are also required to provide true and accurate information.


We do not guarantee any outcome from using any product. The products are provided to you “As Is”.


We endeavor always to be available to meet your needs, but in any event, our website is unavailable; please note that we shall not be liable for any resultant loss. Specifically, we shall not be liable for technical problems or delays when delivering products, malfunctioning of the customer’s mail server, or internet service.

We shall not be liable for, and you agree to hold us harmless for any loss from the use of our services, in the event that we are liable, such liability shall not exceed the amount paid by you under this agreement. You shall indemnify us and anyone claiming through us for any loss suffered as a result of your acts or omissions. 

Any information by us does not constitute professional, legal, or financial advice, and no fiduciary obligations to you are assumed.


Discounts and VAT are non-refundable.


Third-party ads and endorsements may appear on the website. We are not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of relying on these advertisements and endorsements.


Once data is published on the website, it becomes the property of the Company to dispense with, and no compensation will be owed to the user.


Any ideas, concepts, discoveries, techniques, patents, copyrights, or trademarks, and associated rights belonging to us during the subsistence of this agreement are our exclusive property. You only enjoy a non-transferable and non-exclusive license at our discretion. Specifically, any product delivered to you shall only be used for personal use and not commercial use.


You may terminate this agreement by deleting your data from our website or discontinuing its use. We will terminate this agreement at any time and without notice to you. This may be due to, among others, breach of the agreement e.g., plagiarizing our work. We may also institute a criminal or civil action against you.


We may vary these terms and conditions at our discretion without notifying you. Continued use of the website after the variations will constitute acceptance of the new terms and conditions; you should therefore keep yourself upraised of any changes.

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