This Detailing Agreement is entered into on this _____________ day of _________, 20______. By and Between TurtleShine Detailing Company of ______________________ (ADDRESS) AND _______________________ of _______________ (hereinafter the ‘Client’). Individually referred to as ‘Party’ and collectively the ‘Parties’.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
There is no term to this agreement. Boat owner (hereafter known as client/boat owner) may cancel at any time for any reason. We ask for a minimum of 48 hours notice. Turtleshine Detailing LLC may also cancel at any time for any reason with 48-hour notice.
Below are our basic terms of service. All services provided are under our basic terms of service. We reserve the right to alter or modify these terms at any time in which you will be given the revised Agreement and your continued use of our service implies agreement with these terms. Turtleshine Detailing LLC agrees to provide the following services: washing, polish to hardware, and waxing specified portions of the boat, washdown includes soap and water wash and interior cleaning, arranging, and refurbishing old surfaces.
The charges for our service is for the agreed dollar amount depending on the hours spent of the job, the skill required, the employees and other costs. Our team members will do the best possible job they can in the time they have available. By using our service you agree to the terms of this agreement and agree to pay the total due to us. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Any changes to rate and/or time, be it verbal or in writing will not affect the substance of this agreement and all the terms herein will still apply with the new rate/time.
For your convenience, and quality control, we can leave you with a checklist indicating the various services we provide each time we cleaned and/or detailed your boat. Our management from time to time will conduct random on site inspections. If, after your inspection, you find our service unsatisfactory, please contact us within 24 hours so we can correct the issue the next day. Refunds or discounts are not offered as we will try to correct any mistakes or missed services. Requests received by our office after that period will be incorporated into your next boat cleaning.
We are responsible for all payroll taxes and pay for workman’s compensation insurance. We provide all equipment and supplies.
If your boat is equipped with a security system, please insure that it is in the “OFF” position or inform our office of the codes and input sequence before your scheduled detailing. Please be sure to notify our office if this code changes.
Please ensure your boat is accessible to us. Because you scheduled detailing time may change each cleaning, we may require a key to your boat. All keys are maintained in a lock box except for the day of detailing.
If we are specifically requested to clean inside of a storage compartment or boat interior, client agrees to not hold Turtleshine or any of its employees responsible for damage to any article or component. Turtleshine is not responsible for damage due to faulty and/or improper installation of any item, nor rusting or corrosion of related equipment. Examples would be: broken or improperly installed wiring, broken or frayed dock lines, etc. All surfaces are assumed sealed and ready to detail without causing harm. If you have other items you prefer we not clean or handle, please call or email the office and we will arrange to avoid those items. Our team cannot lift any objects over 20 pounds, so please have these item secured where they belong. The detailing members will only reach the areas on your boat that are humanly possible. If we cannot reach it, then it will not be cleaned. The detailing team will not pull out any appliances (for example a stove, fridge) for you due to the possibility of causing floor damage (unless you hold us blameless for any damage), however if you have these appliances moved out yourself we would be more than happy to clean behind them. The detailing team is also not responsible for mooring, dock lines, or the security of your boat to the dock or to the boat trailer.
Because of the nature of our business, our staff is required to touch, step on, kneel on, or lean against virtually everything on and in your boat. We are as careful as possible; however, if something does get damaged while detailing your boat, our staff is instructed to call the client at once and to leave a note advising you of the incident. The office will also follow-up with a phone call or email to you to determine the best course of action. We are NOT responsible for your old, rotted, rusty, broken (or on the verge of broken), loose decking, waterlogged decking ribs, corrosion build-up, loose or hanging wires, fishing equipment (old or new), bent transom, bent or broken props, anything engine related (including the engine compartment), cracked or broken or scratched windshields or hull or deck, or any other items of this nature. Boats age with time, use and weather. Turtleshine is not responsible for the normal aging of your boat, or the replacement of any part due to aging. As an example: If we step into your boat and fall through the deck, it’s not our fault. If we are cleaning your rub rail and it comes off, it’s not our fault. We cannot list all possible scenarios for something going wrong, so to put it in simple terms, we are not responsible for your already broken stuff.
Payment is due upon completion of the job. Payment will be made via _______________. If one defaults in payment within 15 days after completion of work, Turtleshine retains the right to sue for breach of contract.
Turtleshine Detailing must conduct a walk-through before they can give you a quote in writing. However, after the first or subsequent detail job, if Turtleshine Detailing determines they need to adjust the detailing fee higher, we will email you or call with the new dollar amount. You have the option of not agreeing to the increase and void this Agreement.
Since boat detailing is a very personalized service we are always asking for detailing feedback. Please send an email or use our contact form on the website and let us know if there are ANY concerns or positive comments — good or bad. This feedback is essential to serve you better, to correct any problems and to pass on these comments to our detailers.
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