Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, ZIP Code
(Your email address, if sending via email)

InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, LLC (IHG )
Corporation Service Company
Consumer Complaint Division (if you have no specific contact)
Street Address
City, State, ZIP Code
Dear InterContinental Hotels Group(IHG ),

Re: Demand letter for Services Provided Prior to Legal Action

Please give my concerns in this letter your immediate attention.
I am a current resident of Texas and have a mailing address in Georgetown. I
am currently in Mexico City and have been coming here on and off for a few months
now. My wife and I have been staying in the Holiday Inns since I am an IHG member
and use points for free nights. My problem began when I stayed in the Holiday Inn,
Mexico Basilica. I called IHG guest relations and complained about pet hair on bedding
and a shaver left from previous guests in the bathroom by housekeeping. Later on, the
hotel refused us a stay as retaliation.
As a courtesy, IHG guest relations awarded me points for a future stay at any
IHG property. I booked a new reservation at the same hotel, and there was no notice
of cancellation. When we arrived at the hotel, the staff informed us that there were
no rooms available and that our reservation had been canceled. However, I had called
IHG reservations the day before to confirm we could stay at the hotel. We had done
nothing wrong on the premise that would warrant the hotel to deny us services. The

hotel manager said that any future reservation we make with the hotel would be
A few days later, we had a similar occurrence. It happened a second time at
another Holiday Inn Express, Santa Fe. I called IHG guest relations to tell them that
the housekeeping forgot to clean our room one of the days and they assured us that
the hotel would make it better. Therefore, we made a new reservation at the Mexico
Santa Fe Express Hotel and showed up to the hotel. The manager came out telling us
that she canceled our reservation and they would not service us. We asked why there
was no notification of cancellation and complete discrimination of us as guests. She
gave no apology and said they would not let us stay at the hotel. I then called IHG
guest relations and spoke to a supervisor named Phillip over the phone who said that
IHG stands behind the hotel’s decisions to refuse our stay and not service us. Another
IHG guest relations supervisor said that IHG stands behind their hotels refusing its
guests for whatever reason.
My wife and I have been retaliated against and denied stays at hotels affiliated
with IHG. I believe IHG violated and disrespected our civil rights. Because we filed
certain complaints with IHG, the hotels reacted against us and humiliated us in front
of other guests. My wife and I subsequently contacted IHG, and the response was that
IHG supports the hotels’ decision to deny guests stay for whatever reason.
I spoke with several case managers and supervisors, and they all gave me the
same response. They simply apologized for our inconvenience but refused to do
anything and stated they would also stand by the hotels’ decision to refuse us. They
stated that they refused our stay because of our past complaints about each hotel.
Furthermore, IHG stated that they stand behind the hotels’ decision not to allow us

Each time we had a complaint then IHG gave out a case number for each incident as
Case number – 10510083383 -August 25th, 2022
Case number – 10512226683- October 6th, 2022
Case number – 10513127453 -October 23rd, 2022
Case number – 10513545743 – November 1st, 2022
Case number – 10516671103 – January 12th, 2023
Case number – 10517029103 – January 19th, 2023
Case number – 10517094823 – January 20th, 2023

IHG stated that they would respond within 48 hours, but no response was
received. My wife and I both called and spoke with several case managers and
supervisors in order to follow up on each case, and the response was the same each
time. There was no action taken. We were denied service at the hotels because we
had a few past concerns with housekeeping and cleaning that we alerted IHG about,
and as a result, they denied us services at the hotels.
I have spent thousands on my stays with Holiday Inn hotels while in Mexico
City. I booked with both IHG and for my stays. In order to adequately
resolve my concerns, I require that you reimburse me for the full amount spent on my
stays, emotional distress caused by the poor services of IHG properties and the
mistreatment by IHG and its properties during my stay in the hotels with my wife.
Despite being a member of IHG, the experiences witnessed and mistreatment by IHG
and its hotels, have led to a ruined trip and unpleasant stay and accommodation.
To that end, my demand is simple:
You shall pay Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) within fourteen (14)
days of the date first written above for financial reimbursement,
emotional distress caused, and mistreatment by IHG and its properties.
Please contact me within the above-stated period to discuss resolution of this
matter. If I do not hear from you or are otherwise unable to resolve the matter on

amicable terms, please be aware that I will immediately take legal action against IHG
regarding these matters.
You can reach me at [TELEPHONE NUMBER OR E-MAIL ADDRESS]. Thank you
for taking the time to resolve my concerns in a prompt manner. I look forward to
hearing from you as soon as possible.


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