Lenneka Portis,

(Enter your address)


Eliezer Kaplan St 8,

Tel Aviv-Yafo



6 February 2021,

Dear Fiverr,

This letter serves as a formal demand for payment of the sum of $ 585, which was paid to your Seller, who did not deliver the software and the hardware that I ordered and duly paid for.

On _______________, I contracted the services of a seller on your platform, zartashaali38, who promised to deliver my order on time. My order consisted of all the prototype units, all software for each unit, the Apple iOS version, all schematics, components used, and a detailed description of how everything was assembled and how it will work. The order also included a live demonstration and all units were supposed to be delivered to my home. However, the Seller kept giving excuses that she was shifting and could not get the code to me and that I should wait a bit longer. She later asked me to send her money so that she could process my order. However, I have not either received the software or the hardware. And unfortunately, when I tried to reach her recently concerning my order, I had been blocked by her and I could not communicate with her.

 I have tried to reach your customer support concerning the same issue. The only solution offered is customer credits, which are not satisfactory since I have suffered emotional and financial distress. I tried to be patient enough with the Seller, but I have lost $ 585 in the process and the money being offered for customer credits is only $ 250.

Unless you contact me immediately to settle the monies lost, I will be forced to pursue legal action to recover the loss, which may leave you liable to pay attorney’s fees, filing costs, and your reputation will be damaged. Please note this letter may be presented in court as evidence of your failure to pay.

Prompt attention to this matter would be appreciated.


Lenka Portis

Owner& Inventor of Clever Cabinets LLC,

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