(Insert address of the partner’s wife)

Dear Madam,
BETWEEN ___________________ AND __________________.
We have received instructions from our client __________________ (insert your
name), to address you as hereinbelow.
On ____________________, our client and ______________ entered into an
agreement and it was your job and/or duty to finalize the paperwork. It is now ___
years down the line and no paperwork has been produced from your end in regards
to the partnership.
Our client has been patiently waiting for the documentation while still working and
contributing to the business. All this time our client was working, he has never been
paid for the work done or received any shared profits.
Efforts by our client to obtain the finalization of the documents and release of the
entitled payments have all been in vain.
Our client has therefore instructed us to demand from you; –
i. The rectification of this situation by finalizing the necessary documentation
immediately so we can move forward.
ii. A profit and loss statement from 2016 to the present by the business.
iii. Reimbursement of the purchased products supplies
iv. Reimbursement of the profits from the joint venture ownership/ partnership.
Failure to provide those mentioned above or a response to this letter within the next
FOURTEEN DAYS, we shall go forth and institute the appropriate legal proceedings
against you to obtain the necessary court Orders at your legal cost.

(Insert your address)
Email: XXX

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