Marc C. Lewis

1386 Camino Carmelo,

Chula Vista, CA 91913



August 15, 2023



Walters Property Management

[Insert Address]

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Village of ESCAYLA HOA

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[Insert State & ZIP Code]

[Insert Phone Number]

[Insert Email]




I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the distressing state of affairs that has unfolded within our beloved Otay Ranch Village of Escayla community. As you are aware, I am Marc C. Lewis, and I am left with no choice but to address the matter of negligence and breach of duty on your part, collectively referred to as “YOUR.”


In the peaceful haven that is Otay Ranch Village of Escayla, where architectural landscaping regulations are intended to uphold the community’s allure and safety, it is disheartening to witness that these regulations have been reduced to mere words on paper. Over nearly three years, I have watched in dismay as YOUR guidelines were blatantly ignored, leading to dire consequences for me and my fellow residents.


Unchecked weeds flourished, offering an unwitting invitation to an onslaught of rodents that invaded my property. The aftermath included the destruction of my patio furniture and the burden of incurring substantial pest control fees—expenses that should have been prevented by YOUR diligence in enforcing your own rules.


Furthermore, YOUR disregard for enforcing fire zone safety parking restrictions has exposed the entire Escayla community to unnecessary risks. Despite my persistent efforts to bring a neighbor’s repeated fire zone parking violations at 1382 Camino Carmelo to YOUR attention over the span of three years, YOUR response remained inadequate. This failure to uphold fire code regulations and community guidelines endangers all of us within Escayla.


I firmly believe that YOUR actions, or lack thereof, amount to professional negligence, breach of duty, and a failure to fulfill your responsibilities. Consequently, I have suffered financial losses, emotional distress, and the erosion of trust in YOUR ability to carry out your obligations.


I implore you to recognize the gravity of the situation and to take immediate action to rectify the damages caused. Compensating me in the sum of $10,000.00 for the financial losses, property damage, emotional distress, and loss of confidence in YOUR ability to fulfill your obligations is a step in the right direction. It is my sincere hope that this matter can be resolved amicably, but I must emphasize that if a favorable response is not received within a reasonable timeframe, I will have no choice but to explore legal avenues to protect my rights and interests.


I urge you to consider the implications of your actions and the impact they have had on me and the entire Escayla community. Your swift and appropriate response to my concerns would demonstrate your commitment to upholding your responsibilities and ensuring the well-being of our community.


Yours Sincerely,



Marc C. Lewis

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