THIS CONTRACT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of ……..…………….Two Thousand and ……………………………


  • ……………(Insert 1st Party’s name)  of (Address) ……………..   (And any other details relevant to the contract for instance, career) hereinafter referred to as ………


  1. ………………………(Insert 2nd Party’s name)  of (Address)……………………. (And any other details relevant to the contract for instance, career) hereinafter referred to as ……………..



  1. The 1st Party (Insert name) shall upload the gaming videos and after uploading such videos, he shall lose all copy rights to the 2nd Party (Insert name).  


  1. The 1st Party (Insert name) shall ensure that all the videos uploaded observe a PG- 13 or lower threshold in a bid to ensure that the videos are appropriate for children who are at least 13 years old.


  1. The 1st Party (Insert name) shall not post anything copyrighted and failure to observe this clause shall lead to such party risk losing all benefits that he is entitled to. 


  1. The 2nd Party shall ensure to acknowledge the 1st Party in the videos by giving a “shout out” in every video. The shout out shall be by way of …..(Perhaps mentioning the name and/or his contribution to the video etc…….)


  1. The 2nd Party shall also remunerate the 1st Party USD …………for …………… payable as a one off sum or in ……………… installments of USD …………each. 


  1. The amount agreed upon shall be paid ……………………….(In cash, bank transfer ……etc)


  1. This Contract shall commence upon the date of full execution by all parties and expire when the terms of this contract have lapsed or when the parties shall agree. 


  1. The terms and conditions of this contract shall be binding upon the parties herein and any dispute arising shall be referred to mediation conducted by a mediator agreed upon by the parties. 


  1.  This Contract contains the whole agreement and understanding between the parties herein and supersedes all previous contracts (if any) whether written or oral between the parties in respect of such matters.


IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have executed this Contract the day and year hereinabove written.


SIGNED by the parties: )

1st Party ) _________________ )






2nd party  ) _________________




WITNESSED BY: – ) ___________________

Independent party )

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