This Consultant Agreement is made on this ____________________ between
___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and
_____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”). Together referred
to as parties.
Whereas the Company and the Client have agreed to be mutually bound by the
following terms of the Contract; –
1. Services.
The Company shall provide the service of providing a virtual Assistant for the Client
at an agreed price described below.
2. Term.
The Agreement between the parties shall be for an initial three months (minimum),
after which the period shall be from month to month.
3. Compensation.
In consideration of the services being provided to the Client, the Client shall
compensate the Company for the services in advance before receiving the services.
The amount will be split in the monthly payment in half.
 The first payment will be billed three days before the virtual assistant starts
working for the Company.
 The second half of the payment will be charged 15 days later.
 After that, the payments will be placed on automatic billing, with the payments
being charged twice per month on the selected days.
No direct payments shall be made from the client to the virtual assistant.
In the event the client desires to provide the virtual assistant with any extra payment
(i.e., birthday present or Christmas bonus), the Client will inform the Company, and
the Company will send the Client a separate invoice for the extra payment, which will
then be issued to the virtual assistant in its entirety.
4. Confidentiality.
The Company herein acknowledges that during the performance of the duties and
responsibilities listed in this agreement, they will come across confidential
information and agree not to disclose or share with any third parties not privy to this
agreement without prior written consent from the Client.

The Client agrees and acknowledges not to contact any of the Company’s contacts
or companies that it is affiliated with or the company’s virtual assistants without the
consent of the Company.
The Client agrees to the term mentioned above, and failure to comply or breach
thereof shall terminate the agreement immediately.
5. Liability.
The Company shall not be liable for any injury or loss arising from the Virtual
Assistant’s negligent performance of services. Further, the Company shall not be
responsible for any loss, damage, or delay of services for measures beyond the
Assistant’s control, including, without limitation, power failure, computer failure,
inclement weather, or accidental loss of documents or information on magnetic
storage media such as disks or tapes.
6. Non-Compete.
For the entire period of this agreement, the client will not engage in the same
services with an employee, officer, director, partner, consultant, agent, owner, or any
other person in the same capacity with a competing Company.
The provision and terms of this clause shall only be applicable in the (insert the area
the company is located) area.
7. Termination.
The Client can terminate the terms after the expiry of the three months minimum by
issuing a written notice to the Company, and the Company has the right after the
expiry of the three months minimum to terminate the terms herein when the
Company has committed a breach.
8. Dispute Resolution.
If there is any conflict or dispute during the performance of this agreement, the same
shall be negotiated between the parties amicable. If the same fails, the disagreement
or dispute shall be referred to a neutral arbitrator whose final decision will be binding
upon the parties.
9. Governing Law.
The provisions of this agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance
with the laws of _____________.

10. Severability.

Suppose a provision or term in this agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable
by a court of law. In that case, the same shall be severed from this agreement, and
the remaining provision shall continue to be in effect and binding upon the parties.
11. Waiver
The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be
construed as a waiver or limitation of that party’s right to subsequently enforce and
compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.
12. Assignment.
The parties shall not assign the duties and responsibilities under this Agreement to
any third parties.
13. Entire Agreement.
The terms of this agreement reflect the complete agreement between the parties
herein and supersede any prior oral or written negotiations or promises.
14. Acknowledgments.
The client acknowledges that they have been provided with the opportunity to
negotiate this agreement and have had the opportunity to seek legal counsel before
signing this agreement and that the restrictions imposed are fair and necessary for
the Company’s business interest.
15. Binding Effect
This Agreement shall bind the parties, their respective successors, and permitted
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the date
indicated below; –
By the Authorized Representative of
the Company;
Email Address:

By the Authorized Representative of
the Client;
Email Address:

_____________________ _____________________