Section 1. Order of Business

Section 2. Membership Meetings

Section 3. Board of Directors


Section 1. Partners

Section 2. Voting Rights

Section 3. Non-Voting Rights

Section 4. Honorary Partners/Non-Active Partners

Section 5. Review of Partnership Roster

Section 6. Transfer of Partnership/Membership

Section 7. Inactive Status/Loss of Partnership


Section 1. Leadership Team

Section 2. Board of Directors

Section 3. Officers

Section 4. The President/Pharaoh

Section 5. Vice President/Vizier

Section 6. Secretary

Section 7. Treasurer

Section 8. High Priest/Priestess

Section 9. Ministerial Staff/Associates









For the purpose of establishing and maintaining a place for the worship of God the Creator,  the Supreme Entity; to assume our share of responsibility and the privilege of propagating the enlightenment of the human consciousness, both at home and in foreign lands; we, whose names appear upon the Assembly of Roster, do hereby recognize ourselves as a Local Assembly in fellowship with and a part of the Council of XXX, with headquarters in XXX, and do adopt the following articles of church order and submit ourselves to be governed by them and the Pharaoh.


The name of this corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the church, this church, this nation or the nation”) is Zion Galactic Federation Trust, of the City of XXX.


The purpose of this nation shall be to:

Focus on educational and spiritual enlightenment.

Establish and maintain spiritual connection with the creator.

Provide a safe place of fellowship, where those that believe in Zion principles can dwell.

Coexisting peaceful with nature, mother earth and all earth inhabitants.

To respond to human need with ministries of service and compassion.

Own, hold in trust, use, sell, convey, mortgage, lease, or otherwise acquire or dispose of such property (real or chattel) as may be needed for accomplishing the mission of the church.


This church recognizes that it is a sovereign member church of the Zion Galactic Federation herein after referred to as ZION, with headquarters at Lansing, Kansas, and agrees as a condition of membership to abide by the Constitution and/or Bylaws of ZION. This church further declares itself to be in full cooperative fellowship with all other churches that are affiliated the Zion Galactic Federation and to share in the privileges and assume the responsibilities enjoined by this relationship.

In furtherance of the above relationship, this church agrees to:

  1. Cooperate by every possible means in the extension of God Consciousness throughout the world.
  2. Support the missions program agreed upon by the Zion Galactic Federation.
  3. Share and support any of the Zion Galactic Federation programs and events.
  4. Recognize that designated officials of the Council of Zion shall have the right to be present at any Board of Directors or membership meeting of this church for whatever reason or purpose.
  5. Invite the Council of Zion officers in the event of church difficulty or when changing viziers.
  6. Recognize that any serious dispute between the Pharaoh or Vizier and the church shall be submitted to binding arbitration before a designated panel of ZION in lieu of seeking redress in the civil courts of this state or elsewhere.
  7. Recognize that any of the Council of Zion shall have the right and authority to: (a) approve scriptural doctrine and conduct, (b) disapprove unscriptural doctrine and conduct, as stated in the ZION Bylaws: and (c) withdraw its certificate of membership if deemed necessary.
  8. Submit any serious dispute between members to binding arbitration before a designated panel from this church chosen by the Board of Directors in lieu of seeking redress in the civil courts of this state or elsewhere.


The sovereignty of God I take to be the absolute authority, rule, and government of God in the whole of that reality that exists distinct from Himself in the realms of nature and of grace. It is a concept that respects His relation to other beings and to all other being and existence. It is, therefore, a relative concept, or a concept of relation.

If God possesses and exercises this absolute authority, rule, and government, the necessary presupposition of it is the oneness, or unity, of God. It is a fact to which Scripture bears constant witness in a great variety of contexts because it is a truth that underlies and determines the whole superstructure of divine revelation.


It is the Divine Principle of Creation that every child born is endowed with unalienable liberties that no authority, law, government or religion can diminish or abolish. Any power that attempts to do so is tyrannical and illegitimate, even if it operates according to its own laws – for such tyranny is a denial of the natural order and an attack upon divinity and humanity.

The Law does harm to no-one: Arising from the Laws of Ma’ats, to do no harm to anyone in any form, these principles for the basis of modern law. The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of Zion, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else.

Ariels Message: We are too advance as a society to still have people without healthcare, food, electricity, fresh water or shelter. Yahweh’s divines grace is the reason we have the knowledge to harness these and other things. We can’t continue to allow for people pay for things that the Creator, blessed this Galaxy and man-kind to appreciate. Man were granted dominion over this earth and have fail to keep it and its inhabitants safe. It is our duty as creations of the divine creator, Yahweh, to protect this earth and its defenseless inhabitants.


Section 1. Order of Business

In order to expedite the work of the church business meetings and the Official Board meetings and to avoid confusion in deliberations, all meetings shall be governed by the accepted rules of parliamentary procedure in keeping with the spirit of love and understand and under the guidance of the Divine Consciousness. The parliamentary authority shall be Roberts Rules of Order, (and current edition), and it shall apply when it is not inconsistent with the Bylaws or any special rules of order that this church may adopt in the future.

Section 2. Membership Meetings

  1. Annual: The annual meeting of the members (partners) of this corporation shall be held no later than the 18 day of June, in each year. Notice of said meeting shall be provided in the printed or electronic format and made available to the partner not less than ten (10) days nor more than fifty (50) days before the date of said annual meeting.
  2. Special: Special meetings of the partners of this corporation may be called from time to time at the discretion of the Pharaoh, the Vizier, the Board of Directors, or by petition listing (33%) of the active partnership of this church. Notice of all special meetings shall be given by the Secretary (officer of the Board of Directors) and shall state the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is to be called. Notice of said meeting shall be provided in printed or electronic format and made available to the partners not less than ten (10) days nor more than (50) days before the date of said business meeting. No other business shall be considered at any special meeting other than that described in said notice. NOTE: Notice of all special meeting shall also be given in writing to the Zion Galactic Federation. When feasible, a ZION official or executive officer shall also chair any meeting called by petition of the members as stated above.
  3. Voting Rights: Each partner member shall be entitled to one vote. Voting by proxy or absentee ballot shall not be allowed. Partners shall vote on matters listed in Article VII Section 2.
  4. Quorum: The partners present at any duly called business meeting shall constitute a quorum.
  5. Adoption: The vote of a majority of those votes entitled to be cast by the partners present shall be necessary for adoption of any matter voted upon by the members unless a greater proportion is required by statutory law, the Articles of Incorporation, or the Bylaws.

Section 3. Board of Directors

  1. Regular: The Official Board of this corporation shall hold regular monthly board meetings and such special meetings as they shall deem necessary for the competent management of the affairs of the corporation.
  2. Special: Special meetings may be called as needed by the Pharaoh, Vizier or a majority of the director, providing at least three days’ notice to all directors. This period may be shortened by mutual consent. Meetings may be conducted in person, video or by conference call, within the parameters of the Pharaoh discretion.
  3. Quorum: One-half of the members of the Official Board shall constitute a quorum.
  4. Notice and Consent: The Board of Directors shall not meet without notification to the Pharaoh and with his/her consent. The Pharaoh shall preside at all meetings unless he/she appoints someone to act his/her behalf.
  5. Nomenclature: The Board of Director shall be referred to as the board, and individual members as directors, board members or Council of Elders in the Zion Galactic Federation.


Membership in this church shall be open to all this who give evidence and understanding of our proclaimed spiritual and conscious beliefs and meets the guidelines set herein who voluntarily subscribe to its tenets of faith and agree to be governed by its Bylaws as herein set forth. Members shall be called partners and agree to a partnership relationship through volunteer service and financial support of the church.

Section 1. Partners (Voting Members)

All persons who qualify for membership as noted above and whose names appeared on the original Membership Roll of the church at the time that I was first organized, together with those names that have been added, shall constitute the legal voting membership of the church, providing they are (18) years of age or over, who are living consistent Living Being livers, who are in agreement with our statement of faith, and who regularly attend and financially support the church. Note: All Pharaoh staff automatically receive voting member status.

Section 2. Voting Rights

Partners (voting members) of the Zion Galactic Federation shall have the right to vote on the following matters.

  1. Real Property Transaction: Partners shall vote on any real property transaction with purchase or sale price up to $630,000. Upon receiving approval of the transaction via a majority vote of the voting members/partners present at any regular or special called business meeting the officers of the corporation shall be legally empowered to complete the purchase and or sale.
  2.  Election of Council of Zion: The partners/voting members shall be empowered to vote on the selected Council of Zion candidate as specified within these bylaws.
  3. Amendments to these Bylaws: The partners/voting members of this church shall vote on any amendments to these bylaws, with a 66% affirmative majority vote required to approve the amendment(s). Notification of such proposed amendments shall be submitted made available to the partners at least two weeks prior to the business meeting in which they are considered for adoption.
  4. Other Matters of Business: The official board of directors may bring any item of business they deem of sufficient weight or portent to the partners for a vote at any regular or specially called business meeting.

Section 3. Non-Voting Rights

Non-voting membership/partnership shall be available for persons under eighteen (18) year age who give evidence of having a desire to know themselves as creators, and who meet the qualifications for membership established by the church. Upon reaching the age of eighteen (18) years, non-voting members shall automatically become voting members.

Section 4. Honorary Partners/Non-Active Partners

Honorary partners shall consist of those who have entered the ministry as ZION officers, Pharaoh, Viziers, priest, missionaries, light bringers or educators, or those serving the Armed Services, making it impossible to serve as active partners. Honorary partnership recognition shall continue as long as the member maintains a consistent Living Being life, remains sound in doctrine, and maintains a cooperative attitude toward the home church. Voting privilege may be granted at the discretion of the official board.

Section 5. Review of Partnership Roster

In order to keep that active partnership roster current, review shall be made during the sixty (60) days prior to the annual business meeting. The Pharaoh and the Boat of Directors shall be authorized to revise the partnership roll of the church annually, and to remove from the list of active members all names of those who have deceased during the year, together with the names of those who may have been removed from membership as noted in the preceding provisions.

Section 6. Transfer of Partnership/Membership

Partners in good standing, who may wish to sever their relationship with the church, or who may desire to be transferred to some other congregation, may apply to the Secretary with a letter, which shall be granted on the approval of the Pharaoh and the Board of Directors. Said letter is to be signed by the Pharaoh of the church.

Section 7. Inactive Status/Loss of Partnership

Partner who’s shall, without good cause, absent themselves from the service of this church for six (6) consecutive months or more, or who may be out of harmony with its teachings, or who shall be under charges of misconduct, or who may have fallen away from the faith, shall by implementation of the Pharaoh and Board, and by action so stated in the minutes, be automatically placed on inactive partnership status (in other words, become a non-voting partner) and shall lose any legal standing associated with partnership until such time as the affected partner’s case has become final either by the partner’s own inaction, or after the case has been fully reviewed by the official Board. Examples of the above reasons for being placed on active status include, but are not limited, to the following: (1) departure from the tenets of faith, (2) living a sinful life and refusing to change, and (3) engaging in the disruption of fellowship by sowing discord among the partners: Showing a non-cooperative attitude, persisting in gossip: or creating trouble in general “ Dwelling Low Vibration Energy.”

  1. Notice of Inactive Status: Notice of inactive status and the reasons therefore shall be sent via certified mail to the affected partner’s last known address as noted in the church files. It shall be each partner’s responsibility to keep the church notified of his/her current address. Receipt of said notice shall be presumed on the third (3rd) day following the letter being posted.
  2. Review: Partnership in the church is an ecclesiastical matter and is subject to the biblical mandates reflected in this document and other church policies. An individual may be granted the opportunity to appeal the decision of the board regarding partnership status at the discretion of the board. Such appeal must be made in writings, and within 7 (seven) days of notification by the board. When such an appeal is granted, a review will be conducted by the board. In such cases, the partner whose status is in question must appear and personally present his or her situation of appeal to the board for consideration. The affected partner has no right to legal action or the presence of an attorney during any review of partnership. Following the presentation, the board of directors shall prayerfully consider all the evidence and render a decision. Such decision shall be final.
  3. Removal: If reinstatement is not granted, the affected person shall immediately be removed from partnership in this church and have no further right to appeal or redress in this church, the civil courts, or elsewhere.

Section 8. Community Ordinances

Community Guidance and Ordinances are matter to be handled by the Council of Zion with the approval of the Vizier and or Pharaoh.



Section 1. Leadership Team

The Leadership Team of this church consist of the Pharaoh, Vizier, High Priestess, Council of Elders, Council of Zion, Corporate Officers, board of directors and leaders from other ministry teams as may be implemented and active. The Leadership Team, under the direction of the Pharaoh, shall establish and keep current the purposes, core values, vision, and mission of the church. The Board of Directors may establish Organizational, Operational, or Policy Manuals as needed to provide guidance to the Leadership Team in establishing processes for accomplishing the mission of the church.

Section 2. Board of Directors

This church shall be governed by one Board of Directors which shall be known as the Board of Directors or Board of Elders.

  1. Composition: The Board of Elders shall consist of at minimum the Officers, with a maximum of 7, not including the Viziers.
  2. Qualifications: Directors (Elders) and Officers shall be persons, male or female, of mature Living Being experience and knowledge, who shall be expected to meet the requirements as set forth by the Pharaoh. Elders shall be at least 21 years old, and with the exception of the Pharaoh, have been voting partners of this church at least 1 year (12) months. Directors and Officers are expected to adhere to biblical standards of leadership. They are also expected to believe in and consistently practice tithing to this local church.
  3. Nominations: A nominating committee/team of no less than three persons and no more than five shall be appointed by the board of directors from among the voting partnership and chaired Pharaoh. Said committee shall present to the board of directors one (1) name for any vacant directors/officer position at any annual or special board of directors meeting called for this purpose.
  4. Election/Terms of Office: The person must receive a 2/3 majority of votes cast for each vacant office to constitute ratification/election. Members of the board of directors shall serve for a period of three (3) years and shall be chosen by ratification of the board of directors in such a manner that the terms of at least on (1) director shall be ratified each year. Alternating the director selection process is to prevent re-election of all Board members at the same time. Upon completion of an elder’s term, the Pharaoh shall consult with the elder to make a prayerful determination to either re-nominate the elder, or to choose a successor via the nomination committee process. An elder/director shall serve no more than three consecutive terms followed by a required minimum one year period prior to re-election to the board.
  5. Duties:
  6. The internal business affairs of this corporation shall be managed by its Board of Directors. Individual directors (board members), with the exception of the Pharaoh, may be referred to as elders.
  7. The Board of Directors shall be authorized to transact all business for this church, except for matters which by their very nature affect the entire church. Matters which by their very nature affect the entire church include, voting on the purchase or sale of real property with a value over $750,000, and amendments to these bylaws.
  8. The Board of Directors shall act in an advisory capacity with the Pharaoh in all matters pertaining to the church in its spiritual life. They may assist the Pharaoh in ministry as needed or requested and as their own gifts and abilities allow. They may set policies and determine the means to facilitate ministry and fulfill the church’s mission, vision, purpose and values.
  9. The Board of Directors shall consider applications for church partnership and make decisions with respect to receiving applicants into church partnership.
  10. The Board of Directors are authorized to appoint such teams or committees as may be necessary for accomplishing the mission of the church. All teams or committees so appointed shall be amenable to and work under the supervision of the Pharaoh or leadership team.
  11. To facilitation the ministry and mission of the church, the Board of Directors may establish such Organizational, Operational, or Policy Manual as may be necessary.
  12. Vacancy: In the event a vacancy occurs on the Board of Directors, the shall be empowered to appoint a successor, following the normal nominating committee process as prescribed in c. under this section.
  13. Removal: With the exception of the Pharaoh, any member of the Board of Directors (including officers) may be removed without cause by two-thirds vote of those directors present constituting a quorum at any annual or special meeting of the board of directors of this church. Any Director so removed shall have no right to appeal.

Section 3. Officers

  1. Officers of this cooperation shall consist of a Pharaoh (President), a Vizier (vice president), a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person except the offices of the Pharaoh and Secretary.
  2. All officers shall be members of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. The President/Pharaoh

  1. Duties:  
  2. The Pharaoh shall be the President of this corporation and shall act as chairman of all the business meetings of the church and of the Board of Directors.
  3. The Pharaoh may be an ex-officio member of all committees and departments.
  4. The Pharaoh shall be authorized to perform any functions that may be customary for the offices that he/she holds or as may be directed by the church of the Board of Directors.
  5. In addition to those duties listed above (under either President or Pharaoh), the Pharaoh shall be considered as the spiritual overseer of the church, provide vision, and shall facilitate the mission of the church. The Pharaoh shall not be amenable to the Board of Directors in these matters, although he/she is amenable to the Zion Galactic Federation. The Pharaoh shall, however, listen to advice given from the Board of Directors, relying on the Divine Consciousness for guidance. In cases where there appears to be a conflict between the board and the Pharaoh, the Pharaoh may appeal to ZION and or the High Priest or Priestess of Zion, for counsel, mediation or intervention as specified in the current Bylaws.
  6. The Pharaoh shall provide for all the services of the church and shall give oversight to all events. No person shall be invited to speak or preach in the church without the Pharaoh’s approval.
  7. Qualification: The Pharaoh candidate shall be a member in good standing with the Eye of God and ZION and shall comply with the ZION standards for ministry.
  8. Election: A two-thirds (2/3’s) vote of the active voting partners present and voting at any meeting called for the purpose of electing a Pharaoh shall be required for a Pharaoh.
  9. Term of Office: The Pharaoh shall be elected for an indefinite term of office. Annual review by the board of directors shall provide mutual insight and consideration of the Pharaohs work and tenure under the guidance of the Divine Consciousness.
  10. Vacancy: In the event of a vacancy in the pastorate, a n Pharaoh shall be selected in the following manner:
  11. The Board of Directors shall function as the Pharaoh Search Committee, and may appoint up to three voting partners from among the active voting partnership.
  12. One candidate shall be selected from those considered and asked to present his/her ministry to the congregation.
  13. Said candidate shall be elected as noted in b of this section.

Resignation: It is recommended that the Pharaoh six (6) months’ notice of intent resign. Resignations shall be submitted to the official Board of Directors. The resignation becomes effective upon the date agreed to by the Pharaoh and the board of directors. The Board of Directors shall take official action to receive or accept a letter of resignation and to provide for a smooth transition, providing appropriate severance pay and honor to the Pharaoh for services rendered during his/her tenure.


Cause: The Pharaoh may be removed only for cause – cause being defined as a failure to maintain the qualifications for office (See section 4.a.), unscriptural conduct (moral or ethical failure), or departure from the tenets of faith held by this church.

Investigation: In the event charges based on grounds for cause are preferred against the Pharaoh, a preliminary investigation shall be conducted by the Board of Directors.

Notice: The Board of Directors shall determine the facts as best they can, recording same. If allegations supporting complaint are determined groundless, it shall be dismissed with *prejudice. (No further action will be taken, and if a member be the source of the complaint, said member shall have no further right of redress in either the civil courts or elsewhere.) In the event that facts supporting the complaint have some merit, the Board of Directors shall seek guidance, counsel or intervention from ZION. A preliminary hearing shall be conducted before the Board of Directors with a designated representative with a Vizier of Zion, presiding as chairperson. If the preliminary hearing reveals substantive issues, and such issue could affect the minister’s credentials, it becomes the responsibility of ZION to further investigate, discipline, or resolve. Notice of the outcome of said investigation shall be made to the church.

Dismissal: If the matters affecting the Pharaohs ability to lead are not based upon moral or ethical charges, but leadership or philosophical issues, the Board of Directors may ask for the Pharaoh’s resignation following a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of no confidence from the Board of Directors, following consultation with all Viziers and Priest/ Priestess. In the event that the Pharaoh does not resign as requested, and if there is no other apparent solution, the matter shall be referred to a hearing within fourteen (14) days before the active voting partners of this church. Said meeting shall be chaired by a Vizier of Zion. A two-thirds vote of all active partners, present and voting, shall be required to dismiss a Pharaoh and sustain the action of the Board. Note: Only those members actually present shall be entitled to cast a vote. Prejudice refers to the fact that the complaint has been dismissed and will not be consider again in any fashion.

The manner in which the Treasurer is elected and his/her term of office shall be as delineated in Article VIII., Section 2.g of these Bylaws.


  1. The Treasurer’s duties may be delegated to a bookkeeper or accountant, and shall include being the overseer and custodian of all church funds which shall be deposited into bank accounts as designated by the Official Board.
  2. The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks and make disposition of funds as may be required in the accurate conduct of church business under the supervision of the Board of Directors and consistent with this or any other provision of the Bylaws.
  3. The Treasurer shall give a financial report to the Board of Directors at its monthly meeting and to the nation at its annual meeting.
  4. The Treasurer shall perform any other functions that may be customary or as may be directed by the Pharaoh or the Board of Directors.
  5. All the duties of the Treasurer may be delegated to others following consultation and consensus by the Board of Directors.

Removal: The Treasurer may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article VIII., Section 2.g of these Bylaws.

Section 5. Vice President/Vizier

  1. Election: The Vice President of the Corporation shall be selected annually by consensus from among the members of the Board of Directors during the first Board Meeting following the Annual Business Meeting. His or her term of office shall be 12 months.
  2. Duties:
  3. The Vice President, Vizier, subject to this or any other provisions in these Bylaws, and any other corporate officer shall act in all business matters pertaining to the corporation and business affairs of the nation in the absence of the President.
  4. The Vice President shall never act as the spiritual leader of the church even in the president’s absence.
  5. The Vice President shall perform any other functions as may be customary or as may be directed by the nation or the Board of Directors.
  6. Removal: The Vice President may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article VII., Section 2.g of these Bylaws.

Section 6. Corporate Secretary

Election: The manner in which the Corporation Secretary is elected and his/her term of office shall be as delineated in Article VII., Section 2.d of these Bylaws.


  1. The Corporate Secretary’s duties shall include keeping a true and accurate record of all business meetings of the church and the Board of Directors. The Corporate Secretary may personally fulfill the duties or delegate as agreed to by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Corporate Secretary shall be custodian of all legal documents and shall be authorized to sign all official and legal documents, to conduct church correspondence where required, and to perform any other functions as are customary or as may be directed by the church or Board or Directors.

Removal: The Secretary may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article VII., Section 2.g the Bylaws.

Section 7. Treasurer

Election: The manner in which the Treasurer is elected and his/her term of office shall be as delineated in Article VIII., Section 2.g of these Bylaws.


  1. The Treasurer’s duties may be delegated to a bookkeeper or accountant, and shall include being the overseer and custodian of all church funds which shall be deposited into bank accounts as designated by the Official Board.
  2. The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks and make disposition of funds as may be required in the accurate conduct of church business under the supervision of the Board of Directors and consistent with this or any other provision of the Bylaws.
  3. The Treasurer shall give a financial report to the Board of Directors at its monthly meeting and to the church at its annual meeting.
  4. The Treasurer shall perform any other functions that may be customary or as may by directed by the Pharaoh or the Board of Directors.
  5. All the duties of the Treasurer may be delegated to others following consultation and consensus by the Board of Directors.

Removal: The Treasurer may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article VIII., Section 2.g of these Bylaws.

Section 8. High Priest/Priestess

Election: The manner in which the High Priestess/Priest is elected and his/her term of office shall be, by and at the discretion of the Pharaoh.


  1. The High Priestess’s duties shall include being the overseer and custodian of all the churches spiritual practices.
  2. The High Priestess shall any o.
  3. The High Priestess shall be a spiritual connection to the Divine Creator, for the members of the church.
  4. The High Priestess shall perform any other functions that may be customary or as may by directed by the Pharaoh.
  5. The High Priestess shall perform any other functions that may be customary or as may by directed by the Pharaoh.

Removal: The High Priestess may be removed from office pursuant to the process delineated in Article VIII., Section 2.g of these Bylaws.

Section 9. Ministerial Staff/Associates

  1. Qualifications: Qualification are the same as those required of the Pharaoh listed in Article VII., Section 4.a of the Bylaws.
  2. Selection: All ministerial staff/associates shall be chosen by the Pharaoh and ratified by the board.
  3. Terms of Office/Removal: Any ministerial staff/associates may be removed by the Pharaoh at will. No ratification by the Board is necessary, nor does the ministerial staff/associates have any appeal.
  4. Resignation: Shall be governed in the same manner as the listed in Article VII., Section 4 e of these Bylaws governing resignation of the Pharaoh.
  5. Membership/Partnership: As noted in Article VII., Section 1 of these Bylaws, ministerial staff/associates are automatically voting partners of the church.


The Official Board shall appoint such departments, teams and committees as is necessary to accomplish the mission of the church and manage its affairs. All such entities shall operate under the supervision of and be amenable to the Official Board. Additional guidance may be provided in Organizational, Operational, or Policy Manuals at the discretion of and with the oversight of the Board or Directors.


The Pharaoh and other persons who are supported in whole or part by this nation shall have such compensation reviewed by the Official Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of this church fiscal year.


All property, real or chattel, shall be held in the name of this corporation.

Section 1. Real Property: No real property of this nation shall be purchased, sold, leased, mortgaged (does not apply to refinancing and existing mortgage or extension of lines of credit), or otherwise alienated without same having been authorized by at least two-thirds vote of those active voting partners present and voting at any annual or special meeting called for such purpose except those real property transaction amount $750,000 or less.

Section 2. Personal Property: The Board of Directors shall have authority for all purchase and sale of all personal property on behalf of the church.

Section 3. Contracts: The Official Board of Directors shall have authority to negotiate and sign all contracts on behalf of this church and may authorize the Pharaoh or other Directors or Officers to do so in writing.


In the event that this corporation ceases to function as the Zion Galactic Federation church or is dissolved for any reason, its assets shall be distributed to the Zion Galactic Federation, provided it qualifies at such time for exemption as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, or a successor statute.


The Zion Galactic Federation shall, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 24.03.135 (Any State) or TITLE 30, CORPORATIONS CHAPTER 3 ANYSTATE NONPROFIT CORPORATION ACT 30-3-131 (Any State), maintain an open records policy for members. However, members right to access such records shall not include records containing personal information of a private nature about any specific individual. Such limitations include, but may not be limited to, ministerial, credential and personnel files, disciplinary records, individual giving, or compensation records. (This should be edited for the state in which the church office is situated.)


The corporation has the power to indemnify (including the power to advance expenses to) its Directors, officers, employees, and agents made a party to a proceeding, as defined in the in the Any State Business Corporation Act, without regard to the limitations in RCW 23B.08.510 through 23B.08.550; provided, however, that no such indemnity shall indemnify any such Director, officer, employee or agent finally adjudged to be intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of RCW 23B.08.310; or (3) any transaction with respect to which it was finally adjudged that such services to which such person was not legally entitled.


Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the partners of this church, provided notice of proposed amendments in written or electronic format has been made available to all directors no less than three weeks prior to consideration. Such proposed amendments shall be adopted upon receiving a sixty six (66%) vote of legal ballots cast by partners/voting members present. Note: Only this partners/voting members present shall have the right to cast a vote. Absentee ballots or voting by proxy shall not be accepted.

DATED this  ____________ day of _______________,XXX

_____________, XXX was the date of the meeting of the members at which these amendments were adopted. A quorum was present at the meeting, and the amendment received a unanimous vote of those members present and entitled to vote.

Church Name By:______________________

Name: XXX

Board of Directors:




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