We, the undersigned members of the Emval Foundation, do hereby establish and enact this constitution to govern the affairs, objectives, and activities of the Foundation. The Emval Foundation, hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation,” was established in 2014 as the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arm of Emval Holdings Ltd. With unwavering dedication, the Foundation has committed itself to addressing the needs of underprivileged individuals, especially children and the elderly, with the aim of improving their quality of life.

Guided by the vision of a just and equitable society, the Foundation has set forth a mission to create positive change through its initiatives in education, healthcare, and community support. Our commitment to this cause is resolute, and this constitution serves as the foundational framework that guides our actions, decisions, and collaborations.

This constitution outlines the organizational structure, governance principles, membership guidelines, decision-making processes, financial management, and other essential elements that shall define the functioning of the Foundation. It is our collective belief that by adhering to the principles enshrined within this constitution, we shall fulfill our obligations to our beneficiaries, supporters, and stakeholders, and contribute significantly to the betterment of society.

As we embark on this journey of impact and transformation, we acknowledge the contributions of the founding members, the dedication of our trustees, the support of our members, and the resilience of our beneficiaries. We commit ourselves to upholding the values of transparency, integrity, inclusivity, and compassion in all our endeavors, in line with the spirit of service that drives the Emval Foundation.

May this constitution serve as a guiding light as we continue to work towards a brighter future for those we aim to uplift and support.

Article I: Name and Registered Office

Section 1: Name The name of the organization shall be “Emval Foundation,” hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation.”

Section 2: Registered Office The registered office of the Foundation shall be located at [Address], and it may establish branch offices in other locations as deemed necessary.

Article II: Vision, Mission, and Objectives

Section 1: Vision The Foundation envisions a world where every underprivileged individual, especially children and the elderly, can access education, shelter, nutrition, and healthcare, thereby empowering them to lead dignified lives.

Section 2: Mission The mission of the Foundation is to improve the quality of life for underprivileged individuals through various initiatives aimed at education, healthcare, and community support.

Section 3: Objectives The Foundation’s objectives shall include, but are not limited to:

  1. Establishing and managing orphanages that provide a safe and nurturing environment for orphaned children, focusing on health, education, and emotional well-being.
  2. Offering scholarships to underprivileged children, supporting their educational journey from primary education to tertiary level.
  3. Organizing and funding soup kitchens to provide nutritious meals to homeless individuals and underprivileged elderly, fostering a sense of belonging and hope.

Article III: Governance Structure

Section 1: Board of Trustees

Subsection 1.1: Composition The Foundation shall be governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of [Number] individuals who are passionate about the Foundation’s objectives.

Subsection 1.2: Responsibilities The Board of Trustees shall:

  1. Provide strategic leadership, oversight, and guidance to the Foundation’s activities.
  2. Review and approve the annual budget, financial reports, and major initiatives.
  3. Ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards.
  4. Establish committees as necessary to support the Foundation’s functions.

Article IV: Membership and Stakeholders

Section 1: Membership Categories The Foundation shall have the following membership categories:

  1. Founding Members: Individuals involved in the establishment of the Foundation.
  2. General Members: Individuals or entities interested in supporting the Foundation’s mission.

Section 2: Rights and Responsibilities Members shall have the right to attend general meetings, express their opinions, and contribute to the Foundation’s initiatives. They shall uphold the Foundation’s values and actively participate in its endeavors.

Section 3: Stakeholders Stakeholders of the Foundation include beneficiaries, volunteers, partner organizations, and supporters who contribute to the Foundation’s success.

Article V: Meetings and Decision-Making

Section 1: General Meetings The Foundation shall hold an annual general meeting to present reports, discuss achievements, and plan for the future. Special general meetings may be called when necessary.

Section 2: Quorum and Voting A quorum shall consist of [Number] members. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority vote, except for amendments to the constitution or dissolution, which require a two-thirds majority.

Section 3: Transparency Minutes of meetings, financial reports, and key decisions shall be accessible to members and stakeholders to ensure transparency and accountability.

Article VI: Financial Management

Section 1: Funding Sources The Foundation’s funding sources shall include donations, grants, fundraising events, corporate partnerships, and contributions from Emval Holdings Ltd.

Section 2: Financial Control The Foundation shall maintain a transparent financial management system, including annual audits by an independent auditor. Financial records shall be available for review by members and regulatory authorities.

Article VII: Amendments and Dissolution

Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be submitted in writing and require approval by a two-thirds majority vote at a general meeting.

Section 2: Dissolution In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be transferred to registered charitable organizations with objectives similar to those of the Foundation, as determined by the Board of Trustees.

Article VIII: Adoption

This constitution was adopted on [Date] by the unanimous agreement of the Founding Members,

witnessed by:

[Name of Witness]

signed by [Names and Signatures of Founding Members].


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