THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of …….……………. Two Thousand and ……………………………


1.[insert your name] hereinafter referred to as (the “Partner A”)


  1. [insert partner’s name] hereinafter referred to as (the “Partner B”) collectively referred to as (the “partners”)

WHEREAS, Partner A has moved herself and her children into Partner B’s home located at XXXXX, V, and desire to enter into a cohabitation agreement to protect herself and her children housing-wise and financially;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the partners agree as follows:


The term of this Agreement shall be for the duration of the time that the Partners live together as partners at 40 Leroy St, New York, (the “Residence”), unless terminated earlier by either partner or any other circumstance that terminates the relationship. In the event of a termination of the relationship, the Resident shall have 75 days to transition out of the Residence.

  2. a) Rent: The monthly rent for the shared living space located at 40 Leroy St, New York, shall be $2,300. Partner A shall pay this rent to Partner B via PayPal by the first of each month.
  3. b) Utilities: Partner A shall be responsible for 50% of the monthly electric and propane bills, as well as 50% of the bi-weekly cleaning service fee. Partner A shall pay these expenses to Partner B via PayPal by the first of each month.
  4. c) Residency: Partner A’s name shall be added to the electric bill for the shared living space in order to provide proof of residency for the purpose of enrolling Partner A’s children in the school district.
  5. d) Other Expenses: Partner B shall be responsible for paying all other bills related to the shared living space, including the mortgage, county taxes, and school taxes.
  6. e) Termination for normal circumstances: In the event that the relationship is terminated for normal circumstances, Partner A shall be reimbursed in full within 10 days for any financial contributions made towards the basement remodel and other permanent fixtures in the home, for a total of $35,000.00.

Neither partner shall create or establish any joint financial accounts, including but not limited to bank accounts, credit cards, or lines of credit, with the other party.


Neither partner shall inherit any debt or liabilities from the other party, regardless of the reason for the termination of the cohabitation agreement.

  2. a) Partner A shall be responsible for all child-rearing responsibilities related to her children who are living in the home.
  3. b) Partner B shall be responsible for all child-rearing responsibilities related to his own children, who are living in the home part-time.
  4. c) Partner A shall make all decisions related to the upbringing and care of her own children, including but not limited to their education, healthcare, extracurricular activities, and religious upbringing.
  5. d) Partner B shall not interfere with or override Partner A’s decisions related to her children, unless Partner A requests Partner B’s input or assistance.
  6. e) Partner A shall have the right to discipline her own children in accordance with her own parenting style, provided that the discipline is reasonable and appropriate and does not violate any laws or regulations.
  7. f) Partner B shall have the right to discipline his own children in accordance with his own parenting style, provided that the discipline is reasonable and appropriate and does not violate any laws or regulations.
  8. g) Both partners shall make a good faith effort to ensure that all children in the home are safe, healthy, and happy, and shall work together to provide a harmonious and supportive environment for all children in the home.

In the event of the death of either party, the surviving partner shall ensure the safety and well-being of the children residing in the home. If Partner A were to pass away, she wishes for her parents to have transition time to reach her children and take them into their care. If Partner B were to pass away, his children shall inherit his home as described in his will.


If either partner engages in sexual intimacy with a third person without the consent of both partners, this shall be considered a breach of this agreement. The non-breaching partner shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately upon discovery of the breach. The non-breaching partner shall be entitled to damages resulting from the breach, including but not limited to:

  1. Reimbursement for any financial contributions made by the non-breaching partner to the relationship, including monthly rent payments, contributions to cleaning services and utilities.
  2. Payment of $5,000 to purchase furniture and appliances for the non-breaching party’s new place since they had to get rid of their belongings when they moved in.
  3. Rights to all property that the non-breaching partner bought or brought to the home.

To prove infidelity, it must be established by clear and convincing evidence that the other partner initiated and consummated sexual intimacy with a third person without the consent of both partners.


The Partners agree to protect each other’s intellectual property rights. Partner B shall retain full ownership of any intellectual property related to his personal business, and Partner B shall retain full ownership of any intellectual property related to any small business she may create in the future.


Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

  2. a) Either partner may terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice of termination to the other party.
  3. b) In the event of termination, Partner A shall have seventy-five (75) days to vacate the premises located at 40 Leroy St, New York,
  4. c) If termination of this agreement is due to normal circumstances, Partner A shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for her contributions to the basement remodel and other permanent fixtures in the home, within ten (10) days of termination, for a total of $35,000.
  5. d) If termination of this agreement is due to infidelity by Partner B as defined in Section 9 of this agreement, Partner A shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for her monthly contributions to the rent, an amount of $5,000 to buy furniture/appliances for her own place, and rights to all her personal property brought into the relationship, within ten (10) days of termination.
  6. e) If the agreement is terminated due to the partners getting married, or due to the death of either party, this agreement shall terminate automatically.
  7. f) The termination of this agreement shall not affect any rights or obligations that accrued prior to the termination date, including the obligation to pay rent or any other amounts owed under this agreement.
  8. g) This agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of both partners, which must be in writing and signed by both partners.
  9. h) This agreement may be terminated by either partner in the event of a breach of this agreement by the other party, provided that the breaching partner has been given written notice of the breach and has failed to remedy the breach within thirty (30) days of receiving such notice.

This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the Partners with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between the Partners.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partners have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.

SIGNED by the partners:                                    )

…………………………….                                          ) _________________

(NAME OF PARTNER A- PARTNER A)                      Signature

Date: ……………………….


………………………………..                                    )_________________

(NAME OF PARTNER B-PARTNER B)                            Signature

Date: ……………………….

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