Closing Argument

May it please the Court. The issue for determination in this case is whether the Defendants violated my Constitutional right to equal justice before the law under Article 20 the EU Constitution and under Article 40.1 of the Irish Constitution.

First, Article 340(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union provides for the obligation of the EU to make good any damage caused by its institutions or by its servants in the performance of their duties. Further, if damage is caused jointly by an illegal action of the EU and one or several of its Member States, shared (concurrent) liability of both may be established.

The undisputed facts establish that Sir Michael Smurfit drove an overloaded car while intoxicated. The reckless driving caused a collision that killed my mother, Maureen Agnes O’brien, and nearly killed me. The facts also establish that Sir Michael gave Judas O’brien millions of dollars to withhold evidence that Sir Michael operated the vehicle while intoxicated. Sir Michael also admitted to me that he was intoxicated when he was operating the vehicle that caused the collusion.

It has also not been disputed that in 2010, I instituted an investigation against Sir Michael, with the former Chief of Forensics for the Irish police. The former chief of police concluded that Sir Michael indeed caused the collision. I then made a DUI Complaint with Irish Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan. However, the Garda Commissioner corruptly assigned loyal graduates of the UCD Michael Smurfit School of Business to handle the case. These individuals dropped the prosecution against Sir Michael and exonerated Judas O’brien from liability for withholding evidence and accepting a bribe from Sir Michael. I then sent requests for assistance to Ireland’s Prime Minister, Ireland’s Minister for Justice and finally to EU President Ursula von der Leyen. Unfortunately, I received no assistance from said individuals.

I have adduced a set the evidence. The evidence show how Irish Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan admitted that he gave preferential treatment to government officials and Sir Michael. Martin also admitted to appointing two individuals to exonerate Sir Michael of the DUI murder case. The evidence further shows how the Irish police, under the leadership of Martin Callinan, refused to assign a normal trackable case number and delayed the DUI murder case. It can be seen from the evidence that Martin Callinan resigned and admitted to providing preferential treatment to prominent government officials. The evidence also shows how Ireland’s Prime Minister apologized for preferential treatment of government officials.

Your Honors, the evidence presented before you are both truthful and reliable. The evidence has shown by a preponderance of evidence standard that the conduct of the Irish government officials was in violation of my equal protection rights as guaranteed under Article 20 the EU Constitution and under Article 40.1 of the Irish Constitution. Notably, the Irish government officials impeded my access to justice by appointing individuals to exonerate Sir Michael, delaying my case, and giving preferential treatment to government officials and businessmen including Sir Michael.

Learned judges, the Defendants have attempted to make their arguments in defending this case. However, it is important to note that the notion of accountability has a big place in our justice system, that we are all accountable for our actions. We do not always like being held accountable, and we do not always own up to what we have done. However, we all have to face the consequences of our own actions. In that light, Defendants must face the consequences of their actions.

I am entitled to equal protection of the laws. I submit that if this Honorable Court considers the facts and evidence presented in this case, it will most probably hold in my favor, in the interest of justice. I rest my case.

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