Your Ref: 0589570349 17 th October 2022

Allstate Insurance Company
P.O Box 2874
Clinton, IA 527332874
Tel: 800-877-5450 Ext. 4517403
I, Joyce Curry am the next of Kind for the above-named deceased person (Darren Curry) under
whose case I address you as hereunder:
That on or about the 14 th of June 2020 at around 12.38am, Darren Curry was riding his pedaled
bicycle along 17A Bailey Road in Buffalo, New York, when he was involved in a road accident.
Bryant Deron Devin of Driver’s License ID Number 376417650 traveling north on Bailey Road
hit Darren Curry, who was traveling south on Bailey Road on the North Bouno Lane. Bryant
Deron Devin was the driver of a 2008 Buick, plate number JJL 8214.
That on the same day, Darren Curry was rushed to Erie County Medical Center to receive
emergency treatment, where he unfortunately passed away that very same day. Bryant Deron
Devin was insured by Allstate Auto Insurance Company under policy number 000078421217.
That under the provisions of the New-York No-Fault Law, victims of motor vehicle accidents are
entitled to reimbursement for their basic economic losses of up to $50,000.
That on the 13 th of May 2021, I launched a settlement claim with your insurance company under
claim number 0589570349. That despite my constant complaints, reminders and follow up, you
have failed /refused/neglected to respond to and adhere to my claim, for which the statute of
limitations timeline is quickly approaching and shall have ended on the 28 th of January 2023.
Accordingly, my strict, unequivocal and concise objective is to DEMAND from you, which I
hereby do, your immediate admission of fault and payment of the basic economic loss amount
of $50,000 being the minimum amount payable within Fourteen (14) days of receipt of this
TAKE NOTICE that unless the aforesaid demands are met within fourteen (14) days from
receipt of this letter, I shall endeavor to institute legal proceedings against you and at all times,
holding you liable for costs and other consequences ensuing therefrom. I trust that this will not
be necessary and look forward to your urgent response. Be advised.

Yours Sincerely,

Joyce Curry

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