The church partnership agreement

A church partnership agreement is a joint venture that involves the several churched combining strengths to achieve a certain ministerial objective. For instance, whereby the local church and Campus Crusade for Christ combine their strengths to reach students at a nearby campus. Here is what each of us bring to Christ as we serve Him in building His kingdom.

Church partnership agreement on board members

All church partnership agreements include members of the ministry partnership executive board. The board may consist of Congregational President, Congregational Secretary, Congregational Treasurer, One Congregational Elder, and One Congregational Trustee. The pastors from both congregations will be nonvoting members of this board. This board will meet at least once per year before the October Church Council/ Voters meeting of the partnership congregations. The church partnership agreement may also provide that the board takes up the business of this partnership and discuss issues and amendments pertinent to the working of the two congregations.

A church partnership agreement may also provide that one adopts a salary for the pastor for the coming year. Any voters meeting of the partnership congregation can ask for changes that they would like to see done through their representatives for improvements to this agreement. Moreover, a church partnership agreement may provide that the Executive Board together shall be authorized to act on behalf of the two congregations in any matter that may arise and demand immediate action. Such action shall be reported to the voting assembly and/or Church Council of each congregation at its next meeting. This agreement may be amended as needed with the approval of the voter’s assembly of each congregation. All actions will be brought to each congregation’s voter’s assembly to be ratified by both voters’ assembly before such amendments go into effect

The roles of a local church in a church partnership agreement

  • Desire to reach the lost students in their area
  • A place students can call home
  • Resources to help develop effective ministry both on and off campus
  • A place for students to serve and exercise their gifts and faith
  • A model of local church involvement, biblical leadership, participation in the sacraments, accountability, and various other ministries of the local church
  • Lay leaders to guide, direct, and encourage the students and ministry on campus
  • A loving environment where students can connect with and benefit from a variety of believers
  • Representation on the Advisory Board for Cru
  • The best means of conserving the results of evangelism and developing believers
  • A resource for speaking, teaching, and mentoring

Mission of a church partnership agreement

Most church partnership agreements have a specific mission. For instance, turning lost students into Christ-centered laborers.

Vision of a church partnership agreement

The majority of the churches that formulate church partnership agreements also have a vision. For instance, a self-sustaining, multiplying ministry on every campus that is run by students and guided by local church volunteers in partnership with CCC that presents Christ to every student, and develops Christians to have a heart for God, a heart for each other, a heart for the lost, and a heart for the world.

Ministry philosophy of a church partnership agreement

Every church partnership agreement possesses a ministry of philosophy that pertains the values that guide the partisans. For instance, to turn lost students into Christ-centered laborers

through the dual mean of evangelism and edification for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation. Other examples of philosophies are as follows:

  1. Committed to taking the initiative to share the gospel with non-believers in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.
  2. Committed to enabling believers to live out the Lordship of Christ in their lives through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Committed to strong, biblical teaching; especially on having a heart for God, a heart for each other, a heart for the lost, and a heart for the world.
  4. Committed to a ministry that reaches out to students of all ethnic groups.
  5. Committed to supporting, encouraging and equipping local churches to better fulfill its calling and integrating believers into the local church.
  6. Committed to developing ministries of believers on each campus for the purpose of on-going evangelism and discipleship to students on their ‘turf ’.
  7. Asking and believing God by faith for extraordinary things, serving God with effectiveness to make the most of every circumstance, and promoting godly leadership through development to ensure future ministry to students.

Activities and purpose

All church partnership agreements also include the main purpose of the church partnership agreement. students and volunteers are welcome to participate at any CCC conference, mission project or ministry. An instance of how activities are phrased under a church partnership agreement is: we do recognize that students and volunteers feel most comfortable in certain environments due to numerous factors. In light of this, CCC offers many different types of venues so that the proclamation and teaching of the scriptures can be clear.

Other suitable activities that may be included in the agreement are as follows:

  1. Conferences
  • Christmas Conference- Five days with a thousand or so college students from all the states within our region gathered together for a time of tremendous worship, fellowship, teaching, and outreach.
  • Fall Retreat- A conference each fall for the students to get away, focus on the Lord, and fellowship together.
  • Life Options- How do you make biblical decisions about career and life? What is God’s will for your life? These questions and many others are answered for graduating students who demonstrated a heart and capacity for ministry. This is an event for juniors and seniors over a weekend in early February.
  • Leadership Retreat – At the beginning of the school year we bring our key student leaders together to help them get focused on the task of reaching their campus for Christ. It is an opportunity to pray, plan, be developed and connect with students from other campuses.
  • Additional conferences are available to support contextualized ministries: Bridges International
  • Students Conferences; Greek Conference; Athletes in Action Opportunities; Impact Conference (for African American students); Destino Conference (Hispanic students); and the Epic Conference for Asian American students.


  1. Mission opportunities under a church partnership agreement

Most church partnership agreements also comprise of several mission opportunities. Examples of the mission opportunities include:

  • Spring Break Trip- One week of intense evangelism and ministry on the beach, inner city, or internationally as per the church partnership agreement.
  • Summer Projects- 100+ domestic and overseas summer mission trips for students. The students are trained and challenged like no other time in their life.

Ministry venues according to the church partnership agreement

Most church partnership agreements also make provisions for the venues of their ministries.

  • Small Groups – This is a small group strategy that is evangelistic in structure. The goal is to grow students in their faith and meet them right where they are spiritually. Each group is a reflection of the movement as a whole.
  • Weekly Meeting – A weekly event that brings both believers and non-believers together for the purpose of building up Christians and reaching non-believers through body evangelism.
  • Socials – Regular social events for people to connect socially and introduce non-Christian friends to the body of Christ.
  • Evangelism – This is the foundation of the movement. Ranges from individual evangelism to campus wide outreaches.
  • Prayer Meeting – Regular meetings for corporate prayer.

Doctoral statement in a church partnership agreement

The majority of the church partnership agreements also contain a doctoral statement. For instance, Campus Crusade for Christ is an interdenominational ministry committed to the proclamation of God’s Word and exaltation of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We exist to win, build and send college students so they might impact their campus, city, and world for Christ. The preceding section of a church partnership agreement is significant in convincing the masses to take part in the proposed ministerial activities.

Accountability section in a church partnership agreement

A church partnership agreement also contains a clause on accountability where the parties undertake to be accountable. A suitable example is as follows; I understand that a breach of the personal, doctrinal, and ministry standards, as agreed to above can result in the dissolving of the partnership by either organization.

Legal stuff in a church partnership agreement

The church partnership agreement also contains a legal clause. For instance, I acknowledge that our relationship to Campus Crusade for Christ Inc. is that of sending uncompensated volunteers and not employees, agents, or independent contractors. I will use my best efforts to hold to Campus Crusade philosophy, methodology and theology, which has as its goal reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I understand that my flock’s activities will be supervised by a Campus Crusade for Christ representative. My signature on this page evidences my voluntary commitment to the objectives of the ministry and in no way represents a contractual arrangement of any kind between myself, the Central Illinois Campus team and Campus Crusade for Christ Inc.


Some of the church agreements also contain a voting clause. For instance, Synodical regulations permit one lay vote for each member congregation. Each congregation making up this Ministry Partnership shall be represented by a chosen delegate, whose convention expenses will be paid for by that congregation.

Pastoral calls

Church agreements also make provision for pastoral calls. An example of such a clause is as follows: the pastor of this ministry partnership shall be called at a ministry Partnership Assembly meeting. Representative of each congregation shall sign the call document. Thus, the Pastor will have a divine call to both congregations under this agreement; the congregation must act together in all matters pertaining to the pastoral call.


Church agreements also contain clauses for contribution by the congregation. For instance:

“For the support of the Pastor and the ministry in the two communities, the congregations agree to contribute to the support of the Pastor on a 75 – 25 basis. St. John’s Lutheran Church in Burt Iowa will contribute 75% and Trinity Lutheran Church in Algona Iowa will contribute 25% for the Pastor’s salary and benefits, conference expenses, and housing expenses. Mileage will be paid by each congregation for the calls that the Pastor does for them. The congregations agree to consider the district guidelines for compensation of the Pastor. Moving expenses of the called pastor will be shared by both calling congregations on the basis of 75 – 25 percent. The called Pastor will divide his time on this same basis in covering the ministry of both congregations. The Pastor is free to find housing to suit his needs in either Burt or Algona. In order to develop and maintain relationships with members of both congregations, the Pastor is expected to hold regular office hours at both churches.”

Termination clause

A reasonable termination clause also contains a provision for the termination of the agreement. For example:

“Shall either congregation wish to dissolve this Ministry Partnership Agreement; it may do so by notifying in writing to the other congregation of their intent. The agreement will dissolve one year after a vote passes by either congregation to dissolve this agreement. Should the dissolution of these articles of agreement be contemplated by any congregation, orderly procedure would demand that the Circuit Visitor or some other district official be consulted before notice is given.”

Filling vacancies

In the event of a vacancy in this Ministry or in the area churches, under the guidance of the Executive Board a working agreement will be agreed upon that would allow the ministry of Word and Sacrament to continue until that vacancy can be filled. All Pastors of this partnership will work together to cover the partnership through an agreeable means which may include engaging the services of a vacancy Pastor in order to keep Word and Sacrament ministry going in the vacancy congregation.



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