Waterproof Infant to Toddler Baby Carrier (Royal Blue)
The Company certifies that the product above has undergone requisite testing and
complies with the following consumer product safety rule(s), ban(s), standard(s), and
regulation(s) under the Consumer Product Safety Act (or other Act enforced by the
US Consumer Product Safety Commission):-
 ASTM F2236-16a – Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Soft Infant
and Toddler Carriers
 16 CFR 1226 – Safety of Soft Infant & Toddler Carriers
 CPSIA Section 101(a)(2) – Lead in Accessible Substrate Materials
 CPSIA Section 101(f) – Lead in Paint/Similar Surface Coating Material
 16 CFR 1610 – Flammability of fabric
The Manufacturer’s Information is; –
 Amphibia Baby LLC
3693, Russell Rd.,
Woodbridge, VA 22192
The Contact information for maintaining records is; –
 SGS North America Inc.
Consumer and Retail
291 Fairfield Avenue,
Fairfield, NJ 07004
t (973) 575-5252 f (973) 575-8271
The Date and Place of Manufacture are; –
 12/2020
The U.S.A
The Date of testing was; –
 November 22 – December 21, 2021
The place of testing is; –
 _____________________________

Tested by third-party information is; –
 Toys & Juvenile Products Testing

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