This Chef/Vendor Agreement is entered into on this _________________ by and
between ___________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and
____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Chef/Vendor”). Together
referred to as “parties.”
WHEREAS the parties agree to be mutually bound by the terms and obligations
provided hereunder; –
1. Purpose.
Parties agree that the Company has a platform for local chefs/vendors to have their
food on the Company’s website.
The Company will market the website as a place for customers/buyers to find
authentic ethnic meals from chefs and vendors across the city.
2. Compensation.
The parties agree that the Company shall receive its compensation as follows; –

The agreed payment method of payment shall be through _________.
3. Duties/Responsibilities.
i. If the product is not delivered according to the approved sample and health
standards, the Company can request a replacement or terminate the services
ii. The Company will not be responsible for preparing or delivering the meals.
iii. Each chef/vendor will be in charge of their own quality assurance.
iv. Most of the food will be meal preparation or catering.
4. Dispute Resolution.
If there arises any dispute regarding the provisions of this agreement, the same shall
be settled by negotiations between the party’s failure of which the dispute shall be
referred to neutral arbitration.
5. Liability.
The Chef/Vendor agrees to hold harmless the Company against all claims, liabilities,
or damages that may arise from the performance of the terms contained herein.
6. Governing Law.
This agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of
Alberta, Canada.

7. Termination.
Either party to this agreement may terminate the terms herein at any moment without
the issuance of a notice. The grounds for terminating this agreement may include but
are not limited to the following; –
i. Providing non-standard products.
ii. Not responding to communications without explanation.
8. Modification.
The parties herein may only modify or amend the terms by the same being reduced
into writing and signed by both parties willingly.
9. Waiver.
The parties agree that no waiver of the rights under this agreement shall be
construed as a continuing waiver or as consent to any future or subsequent
10. Entire Agreement.
This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties herein and
supersedes any prior oral or written agreements or promises.
11. Severability.
Suppose any provision of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a
court of competent jurisdiction. In that case, the same shall be severed from this
agreement, and the remaining provisions shall continue in existence and full force
and effect.
12. Acceptance.
By the parties signing herein below, they accept to be legally bound by the terms and
provisions of this agreement.
By the Company; –

By the Chef/Vendor; –

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