1. Introduction:
    • This checklist serves as a guide to ensure that all aspects of a remodeling project have been completed to the satisfaction of the Client, and that the Contractor is released from any further obligation or liability under the Remodeling Agreement.
    • It is essential that both parties agree that all Services have been completed before releasing the Contractor from further obligation or liability.
    • By using this checklist, both the Client and Contractor can ensure that all necessary steps have been taken to ensure a successful project completion and release of liability.
  2. Confirmation of Completed Services and Written Satisfaction
  • The Contractor and Client have reviewed the scope of work listed in Section 1 of the Remodeling Agreement and confirmed that all items have been completed to the satisfaction of the Client.
  • The Client confirms by ticking the checkboxes provided that they are satisfied with the completed Services and are fully satisfied with the quality of the work and that all issues have been addressed.
  1. Payment Received
  • The Client has paid the Contractor the full amount due as per Section 4 of the Remodeling Agreement.
  • The payment has been received and cleared by the Contractor, and any checks have been cashed and deposited.
  1. Permits and Inspections
  • All necessary permits and inspections have been obtained and completed as required by law.
  • The Contractor has provided documentation proving that all inspections have passed and that all permits have been closed.
  1. Property Cleanup
  • All debris, waste materials, and tools have been removed from the Property.
  • The Contractor has left the property in the same condition as before the project started, with no damage or debris left behind.
  1. Functioning Appliances and Systems
  • All appliances and systems that were worked on during the project have been tested and are in good working order.
  • The Contractor has provided the Client with instructions for operating and maintaining any newly installed appliances or systems.
  1. Rectification of Defects
  • Any damage or defects in workmanship or materials have been rectified by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Client.
  • The Contractor has provided the Client with documentation proving that all issues have been addressed.
  1. Documentation and Warranties
  • The Contractor has provided the Client with all necessary documentation and warranties relating to the completed Services, including any warranties on newly installed products or systems.
  • The Contractor has provided instructions for the Client on how to submit any future warranty claims if necessary.
  1. Releases and Waivers
  • The Contractor has obtained any necessary releases or waivers from subcontractors or suppliers involved in the project.
  • The Contractor has provided the Client with documentation proving that all releases and waivers have been obtained.
  1. Certificate of Completion
  • The Contractor has obtained a certificate of completion or occupancy as required by law.
  • The Contractor has provided the Client with a copy of the certificate.
  1. Acknowledgment of Limitations
  • The Client has acknowledged and accepted any limitations or disclaimers related to the Services provided by the Contractor, including any limitations on warranties or guarantees.
  1. Release of Liability
  • The Parties agree that upon the completion of this checklist, the Contractor is released from any further obligation or liability under the Remodeling Agreement, contingent on the Client’s full payment of the amount due as per Section 4 of the Remodeling Agreement.
  • The Contractor has provided the Client with a release of liability document to sign.
  1. Non-Payment Consequences
  • The Parties acknowledge that any failure by the Client to pay the amount due as per Section 4 of the Remodeling Agreement may result in penalties or legal action taken by the Contractor as outlined in the Remodeling Agreement.
  • The Contractor has provided the Client with a statement outlining the consequences of non-payment.
  1. Conclusion:
    • By completing this checklist, both the Client and Contractor can ensure that all necessary steps have been taken to achieve a successful project completion and release of liability.
    • The Contractor is released from any further obligation or liability under the Remodeling Agreement upon completion of this checklist and the Client’s full payment of the amount due as per Section 4 of the Remodeling Agreement.
    • It is important to note that any failure by the Client to pay the amount due as per Section 4 of the Remodeling Agreement may result in penalties or legal action taken by the Contractor as outlined in the Remodeling Agreement.
    • By signing below, both parties acknowledge that all Services have been completed to the satisfaction of the Client and that the Contractor is released from any further obligation or liability under the Remodeling Agreement.


Signature of Client: ______________________        Date: ____________________

Signature of Contractor: ____________________    Date: ____________________

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