
All Shareholders

Date: June 29, 2021. 

Subject: Change of Ownership Percentages

Dear Shareholders,


This letter is to formally announce and inform you of changes in the ownership percentages. We may make such changes if we join a new investment. Upon joining an investment, all the existing shareholders’ ownership will decrease since we need to make sure all existing shareholders and the new investor in total take 100%.

You acknowledge that this letter is binding and is duly considered an addendum to the original Contract. Besides, you expressly agree that delivering this letter to your assigned email address amounts to a valid delivery and that you waive any objection as to delivery in that regard.  

If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding the subject matter of this letter, please reach us within five (5) business days from the date of delivery of this letter. If we do not receive any reply from you within the said period, we consider that you have unequivocally accepted the change(s) and that we do not need to make the change(s) on the original Contract.

You have always been our valuable shareholder. We look forward to your cooperation in this regard. 

Thanking you!



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