RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE INSURER ______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE INSURER COURSE Welcome to the Responsibilities of the Insurer course. The purpose of this course is to...
APPRAISAL INTRODUCTION TO THE APPRAISALCOURSE Welcome to the Appraisal course. In this course, you will gain relevant and adequate knowledge on matters pertaining to Appraisal so that you, as an insurance adjuster or insurance agent, can perform your job more...
ARBITRATION INTRODUCTION TO THE ARBITRATION COURSE Welcome to the course on Arbitration. As an insurance adjuster or insurance agent, you should gain relevant and adequate information on Arbitration. This course will help you achieve that goal. By completion of this...
CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO THE CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COURSE Welcome to the course on Claims Settlement. As an insurance adjuster or insurance agent, your goal is to gain relevant and...
CLAIMS EVALUATION ______________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO THE CLAIMS EVALUATION COURSE Welcome to the course on Claims Evaluation. The goal of this course is to provide you, the insurance adjuster or insurance...
RESERVATION OF RIGHTS Introduction Welcome to the “Course Brief” for the Insurance Claims Reservation of Rights and Excess Ad Damnum Communication From/By an Insurer to an Insured in the Insurance Claims Reservation of Rights and Excess Ad Damnum...