RESELLER AGREEMENT This Reseller Agreement is entered into as of [insert date] (“Effective Date”) by and between GVE GLOBAL VISION INC., a corporation incorporated and registered in Canada and located at 16800 Rte Trans-Canada, Kirkland, Quebec, H9H 4M7, Canada...
At Legal writing experts, we would be happy to assist in preparing any legal document you need. We are international lawyers and attorneys with significant experience in legal drafting, Commercial-Corporate practice and consulting. In the last few years, we have...
PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT BETWEEN __________________________ (PARTY 1) AND _____________________________ (PARTY 2) __________________________________________________________________________________ THIS AGREEMENT is made on...
BROKERAGE AGREEMENT _________________________________________________________________________ THIS AGREEMENT is made on the …….day of…………….…..20…, (hereinafter “Effective Date”) entered into by Andres Orvañanosthe (hereinafter “Seller”), Yohai Harrusand Segundo...
REAL ESTATE JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ____________________________(“PROPERTY OWNER”) AND ____________________________ (“INVESTOR”) _____________________________________________________________________________________ THIS AGREEMENT is made on the …………