Elements of a Contract and Breach of Contract

  Name: Date: Institutional Affiliation: Elements of a Contract and Breach of Contract In Mary’s case, there are several issues: whether there exists a contract between her and Mr. Shifty; whether the contract fulfils the elements of a valid contract; and whether...

Defamation Questions

  Name: Date: Institutional Affiliation: Question One The issue in this case is whether the statements made by Star B are defamatory. For one to allege defamation, the statements must be false, they must be defamatory in nature and they must have been said to...

Equity Partnership Agreement

 Equity Partnership Agreement Partnership A partnership is a legal contract where various persons agree to pool their human and financial resources for a business venture. Every partners is apportioned the losses and profits of the business. An equity partnership...


PATENTABILITY OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS Name Institution                       Author’s Note      In this information era, and with the rise of the internet, obtaining protection for computer programs and...

Intellectual Property- Computer Designs.edited

Issue What IP issues may be involved in protecting peripheral computer products during advertising? Rules of Law  In the U.S., designs, names, symbols, and other aspects of computer products are protected by the Lanham Act. Such protection is aimed at defeating the...

Impact of Corona Virus on Company Structure

  Name: Date: Institutional Affiliation:   Impact of Corona Virus on Company Structure Due to Covid-19, company personnel had to work remotely following government policies in place. McKinsey did a survey and discovered that personnel who labored remotely...

Effects of Covid-19 and the Role of Leaders

  Name: Date: Institutional Affiliation:   Effects of Covid-19 on Employees and the Role of Leaders As a result of Corona virus, employees had to work from home in line with government regulations and guidelines. A survey conducted by McKinsey revealed that...

Lucy v Zehmer

  Name: Date: Institutional Affiliation: Lucy v Zehmer Question 1 The plaintiffs had wanted to buy land from the defendant. Lucy visited the Zehmers and told Zehmer that he would not accept $50,000 for the land. Zehmer said to her that he would accept, but Lucy...