RELEVANT AUTHORITIES We,(herein ‘‘the buyer’’) esteem  it appropriate for you (herein ‘’the seller’’) to accept the following clauses as they are, because they are fair, reasonable, they protect both our interests and are in accordance with the law based on the...


DEMAND LETTER To: [ADDRESS]   From: [ADDRESS]   CC: [ADDRESS]   RE: DEMAND FOR REFUND Dear Malik Gray, Pursuant to the contract titled “___________________” and dated ___________________, 20____ (“Agreement”), the purpose of this letter is to notify you...


MUTUAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT   THIS AGREEMENT is made on 10/08/2020    By and between: FlexiSnake, 227 W Cedar St, Chillicothe, IL and Delinks LTD collectively referred to as the ‘‘Parties’’.   WHRERAS, FlexiSnake desires to seek an Engineering Company to...

Terms and Conditions for Price My Property

  Terms and Conditions for Price My Property Introduction These Website Standard Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy written on this webpage shall manage your use of our website. Price My Property is accessible at Minors or people...


MENTORING AGREEMENT This agreement is entered into between [NAME OF THE MENTOR/ ORGANISATION] and [NAME OF THE MENTEE]  The service We provide individual training and mentorship in regards to bookkeeping and accounting for businesses. In addition to this, we provide...

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy Impacts of poor loss-prevention planning in restaurants in Texas General Introduction Poor loss prevention planning can be detrimental to any business especially in the hospitality sector. This study shall focus on restaurants and the loss...


NON-COMPETE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (hereafter, ‘‘this agreement’’) effective as of [DATE], is made and entered into by and between [NAME OF COMPANY] of address [ADDRESS] (hereafter ‘‘Us/We/Our’’) and [NAME OF COMPANY] of address [ADDRESS] (hereafter, ‘‘You’’)....


INFLUENCER AGREEMENT . This INFLUENCER AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into this [DATE] by and between [NAME OF COMPANY] (herein the ‘‘Company’’) and the Influencer [NAME OF INFLUENCER] (herein the ‘‘influencer’’) The Company and the Influencer agree:...


It depends on whose side you are on. You can still argue both ways. In practice, the court argues both ways so you can either be the Court, attorney for the defendant or the plaintiff.  You have assumed that the first machine wasn’t paid for. I assumed it was paid...


PLANNING LAW –  DUE: COB 20 November 2020    To complete this assignment, you will need to review and be familiar with:    the City of Vincent – Local Planning Scheme No 2 (LPS 2) which is available to download at under ‘local...